What is reality?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Stonedraider, Jul 4, 2011.

  1. solopsism -
    the theory that only one's mind can be
    sure to exist. how would we ever
    know that this isn't all a fake 'reality',
    that we're really all alone and that no
    one exists but us? that thought
    actually kind of scares me, but also
    fascinates me. we can be sure of our
    existence but no one else. who's to
    say we're not just a brain in a vat with
    signals being passed though the brain
    creating a fake reality? how can we
    ever truly know what reality is?
    the story of 'plato's cave' sums this up
    for me:
    imagine if you will, that a group of
    prisoners have been chained up facing
    a cave wall from the moment of birth,
    unable to move, never seeing the
    outside world. behind them is a great
    fire and a walkway. people carry
    objects, such as animal shapes etc,
    along this walkway in front of the fire
    every day. all the prisoners can see is
    the silhouettes of these objects
    reflected on the cave wall, and it's all
    they've ever seen. imagine one day a
    man unchains a prisoner and shows
    him the outside world, reality. the
    prisoner is terrified, all he's ever know
    is the shadows on the cave wall, that's
    his version of reality, the outside world
    is fake to him, how can he accept this
    as true reality?
    therefore how can we define what we
    view as reality? how can true reality
    ever exist? surely it's just our
    perception of things, and we can't
    prove one way or another what true
    reality is. this makes me wonder how
    we can lock people up and label them
    as mental simply for viewing 'reality'
    differently. i suppose the general
    consensus is that if the majority of
    people agree on something to be fact
    then that's how it's regarded. history
    has shown this can be dangerous
    though (witch hunting for example?)
    i'm high, i'm ra
  2. Long story short for those of you who don't feel like reading all of this:

    The Matrix.
  3. soon we'll be cyborg-humanz
  4. goood question..
    maybe it is what it appears to be, or
    at least it appears to be what it appears to be..
  5. I think, therefore I am.
  6. I was just thinking about this today. Like the matrix, but it's only you.

    Every experience you've ever had, every feeling you've ever felt was invented by your brain, which, by the way, is sitting in a jar in a spaceship.

    The world doesn't exist and neither do humans. You have the ability to modify natural laws such as gravity, but you don't; if you did, the illusion would collapse and you would be forced to confront your actual existence.

    Right now, your brain just invented this post, and you're reading what your own mind wrote. It's like a dream.

    Poke yourself in the palm. Your fingers don't exist. Neither does your palm. The sensation of pressure on your palm is an electrical impulse created by your brain and interpreted by your brain.

    Nothing you can see is real.

    By the way, as far as I know, there's no way to actually disprove this idea.

  7. There are a LOT of things that you can't disprove. Can you prove that the flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist? No, you cant. You can provide a list of several logical reasons why the spaghetti monster SHOULDN'T exist, but you cannot prove that it doesn't exist.
  8. What is reality?

    I feel that reality is totally subjective to each being of consciousness experiencing it. Arguably, reality is whatever you choose it to be.
  9. My definition of Reality is everything that currently exists. This is Not as simple as it seems though. According to the string theory (my fav theory) there are 9 different dimensions out there, some hiding because they are so small, some vibrating at a different frequency as here. No one has yet to find any proof of this but this is only because we do not currently have the technology to do so, many scientists believe we will in by 2012 when the large hadron collider in Switzerland is at full power. imagine the possibilities
  10. Reality is the false perceptions of humanity based on their wants and desires.
  11. because we all have thought of those kinds of things so we can assume that we are each individuals and there isnt 1 person that everyone else is just a figment of their imgination. its not like everyone else is just some kind of pawn in your existence.
  12. "Reality" is simply electronic signals interpreted by your brain. While there may be actual objects there, your brain is converting electronic signals to form/create an image/hologram in your mind.

  13. It's not that they are pawns to your reality, but rather your excuse for this reality. Your excuse to believe it's real. It's obvious we are all different individuals and thus they cannot merely exist because of our brain, except that's exactly what our brain WANTS us to think.

  14. Reality is the totality of all that is.

  15. or human-cyborgz
  16. Reality is a hologram. I don't think reality is real.
    Its just something we're experiencing as a conscious being.
  17. "Reality is a prison, where one vegetates and always will…" – Cesare Pavese, 1908-1950, Italian Poet

    Reality is a prison........Your mind will set you free.
  18. oh, are you talking about reality? or reality?

  19. One word. Inception.

  20. there is no reality. It all is in your head. And actually there is only zul thats about to eat u

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