What is reality?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by ZappyDays, Jul 21, 2010.

  1. #1 ZappyDays, Jul 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2010
    Our brains sit within our heads in complete darkness. Light does not reach inside our skull, yet the world around us seems ever so bright. The only thing that reaches our brains is electrical patterns running along our nerves. So it seems that our reality is nothing more than our interpretation of these electrical signals that reach our brain, so in a sense reality and perception is one in the same, that is, what is real is simply whatever we perceive. We are unable to truly see light or hear sounds, because what we perceive is indirect electrical signals that were initiated by the sound or light. Whether we feel pain, see light, hear sound, feel happy, feel sad, this is all just different electrical patterns in our heads - the world around us is essentially constructed within our own heads.

    An interesting thought experiment involves hooking up a persons brain to a computer which sends electrical signals into the brain which mimic our normal reality. Who's to say that what the person perceive isn't real? From their perspective the signal being sent to them would be completely indistinguishable from anything else they have ever seen so it would seem unquestionably real. To think otherwise would be to question their very senses upon which their reality is built. How do we know that we aren't hooked up to one of these machines right now? How do we know that our senses are to be trusted? Come to think about it this is the idea in the Matrix.

    Quantum physics is revealing some startling things about the reality that we live in. It seems there are many more dimensions than the ones we can observe and quantum particles behave in unpredictable ways when observed suggesting that the mere act of observation affects what we perceive. Empty space is apparently not really empty suggesting that the whole universe is connected as an interwoven whole.

    So what exactly is reality? How exactly do we define what is real and what is not?
  2. nothing and everything. you pretty much hit the nail on the head. were all just expressions of energy in the third demension vibration frequency.
  3. well i know this is reality because people perceive the same things i do. my green is your green. I doubt everybody is in a matrix..
  4. explain the color green to me.
  5. There's really is nothing that inherently makes green, green. Green is merely what we collectively agree is green. For all we know my green could be your red, but we'd never really know.

  6. well then you would be color blind unless you've never taken a test.

    and green is glowing color and has a wavelength of roughly 520–570 nanometres on the color spectrum. you can explain colors like blue is cooling and relaxing.
  7. Imo, reality is the subjective experience. Believing anything more is an assumption. Including the notion that others experience exactly what you're experiencing - or that they exist at all.

    Regardless of the wavelength "green" is, you can't confirm the color others may be perceiving. Language allows each individual to identify an object, feeling etc. with a sound (Which also may vary between individuals). This concept can get much more abstract, and applied to how we communicate everything we perceive.

    You're an objective/rational thinker. You believe you're sharing a universe with many of your own species, all of which perceive in the same fashion, a set of complex forces that govern your experience. Very possible.

    The subjective thinker, often advocating a "We are all one" philosophy, tend to think of their experience as divine, for lack of a better word. I am open to both the objective and subjective views of reality, but for some reason lean towards the subjective mentality. To explain my reasoning in objective terms, I might be in denial, refusing to realize I'm a temporal, insigificant ape on a rock. :p

    A bit of a tangent, but what are your thoughts on the transition from non-life to life. The creation of the universes' first single celled organism. From a universe without anything to perceive it, to something that could perceive it. The origin of evolving consciousness.
  8. .

  9. reality, for humans, is that which humans are able to perceive with their senses. personally, i think that there is "more reality" outside of human perception. we dont know if there is or what becouse, well, it would be outside of our perception.

    we are "trapped" in our human senses and our human though process and we cant "know" beyond it.
  10. Reality is perception, and perceiving is biased on personal action and chemical balance mixed with neuro-electrical impulses...... Where the known and unknown collide is the brain, everything done in every human brain is based upon the same reactions and yes we have imbalances that can cause differences in actual brain function, what keeps is seperate is our personalities, and there is NO explaination as to where the FUCK in nature that shit falls into place hahahahahhaha. So in all technicalities, reality doesn't exist.... Only personal perception of what it should be does.

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