What is psychological reason for this?

Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by Zutis, Nov 24, 2016.

  1. When someone making a video where the shi* is is smasshed out of food??? can someone please explain it to me???
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  2. There is a video in youtube where one guy smashes food. xD
  3. You should see the one with two girls...and a cup
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  4. Done already. xD
  5. Are you referring to HowToBasic? The man who throws eggs in everything? I mean, what isn't the psychological reasoning? Who wouldn't want to see eggs thrown in with skittles and more eggs and peanut butter and paint and chicken and even turkeys and basically anything and everything mashed together, accompanied by screams?
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  6. He smashes food to let all of his inner demons out
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  7. You mean the guys who crush random shit under hydraulic presses?idk probably gotta alot of money and are bored
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