The older I get, the more gray areas I see in life. When I was younger nearly everything was black or white. As Mohammed Ali said, as close as I can remember: "If a man sees things at fifty the same as he did at twenty, then he wasted 30 years of his life."
Life has taught me that it's a bitch and then you die. But it's what you do in this life that matters. It's the journey, not the destination.
You can have dreams, goals, or set-in wishes, but life comes along and destroys its hinges, your only the best you can be and the proof is my witness, lifes just a bitch hopefully you get it.
When life gives you lemons, paint that shit gold. You can plan a pretty picnic, but you can't predict the weather.
Life's a bitch, and then you die. Not too positive but it is what it is. "Treat everyone like it's you living another life" Joe Rogan Live in the present.
lifes showed me plenty of times that it is very very unpredictable. so to all you blades the lesson is to stay flexible and go with the flow, cause life can fuck ur plans up or anything, so u just gotta go with it.
Most important lesson ever learned; From Harold and Kumar, the black guy in jail; "The universe tends to unfold itself"
In spring, hundreds of flowers; in autumn, a harvest moon; In the summer, a refreshing breeze; in winter snow will accompany your. If useless things do not hang in your mind, Any season is a good season for you.
There is no such thing as coincidences. If you think there are, check your premises.. Because one or more are wrong. I don't ask Yahweh for anything.
[quote name='"Goopus"']Life has taught me that it's a bitch and then you die. But it's what you do in this life that matters. It's the journey, not the destination.[/quote] Shit I'm.listing to nas life a bitch LOL weird.