What is needed to become a good photographer? - Good equipment - Good skills/technics - May be a degree? Those will make you a good photographer. But if you want to be a GREAT photographer, I think you need a great pair of eyes. The eyes that can see the potential for great picture from even the most mundane objects and surroundings. Once you have the eyes, then you need the skill, the patience, and the energy to realize that potential into becoming a great picture. Actually I just wanted to say, I think CHOCOBO has a great pair of eyes. It's amazing.
Thanks man. In my opinion, if you want to be a great photographer, you need inspiration and determination. The equipment, degrees, etc... may help, but in the end, if you don't have the desire and patience to learn, you might only be able take mediocre shots. It's amazing when you look at someone's photo and see that there is passion behind it. You understand why they chose the settings, angles, processing, etc... So with a trained/or naturally talented eye, some good equipment, and the desire to continue pushing your limits, you can become a fantastic photographer.