What is Men's opinion of Women in the 21st century?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by PeruvianDank, Mar 29, 2012.

  1. what i wonder, is whether or not more women in the workforce is actually a good thing. Are children better off with the mother staying home to raise them, or are they better off going to a daycare all day because both parents work? Now i truly respect how much hard work it is to watch a child all day, so don't call me sexist. I think society is better off with women staying home rather than working...

    i mean, it could be men staying home to raise the child too, but in nature it is typically the mother..
  2. p.s. i would just like to say, reaching for exceptions like this....

    would be like me reaching for exceptions like this...

    yes, i read about susan smith and andrea yates...

    see? the exceptions clause might be cute in a debate to try and stumble up the accuracy of what is being said, but they do not equate to the truth or win in real life field trials....
  3. Interesting thing i noticed when reading an article today is that when a woman is convicted of a crime they always says she was a mother of two or some junk if she has kids. But for a man you never see, "he was a father of three." kinda funny how the media plays such an integral role in shaping peoples opinions with nothing more than descriptive words.

    Never read fox news or msnbc before til today and noticed each uses extreme words to influence people. Sickening.
  4. Te opening doors thing is kind of funny,. At uni, it was kind of an unwritten code that a guy would hold the door for girls to pass through until the next guy came through. This relieved the first make and the second would take over. Not every guy would do it but lets just say I was never holding the door for a long period of time.
  5. I would say woman have generally come along way, but still have a long way to go. First idc what anyone says proffessors, bosses, parents are a lot nicer to girls then boys.... You gals don't really get equal treatment in comparison to us guys. Second woman suck as managers, they tend to be too hard to work for and can't balance a schedual worth a damn. Scientists I've known who are girls though seem to be some of the best in NASA anyway. So I would guess girls just work better in analytical jobs rather "practical" I wanna say. Other then that I can't really say much more that I can think of.... Kudos on the woman's rights movement though ;-)
  6. My only real complaint.....why do you always have to go for the assholes lady's?
  7. LOL man i tried looking for it but theres this scene in ice age where sid talks to a couple girls in a hot tub and after he leaves he over hears them saying:

    "it's nice to have a family guy, the trouble is they always get eaten by a predator."
  8. If I was born today, I'd look at them as sex machines.
  9. All girls do is text now. They can barely hold a broom with any confidence.
  10. We must make damn good sandwiches.
  11. my girl makes a mean BLT

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