what is it with the world these days?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by engaged44, Jan 14, 2011.

  1. has anyone taken a moment and just tried to figure out what the world has come to? we have so much negativity, hate, just pure evil that exists. people are so cruel to people.

    people act so senseless. politics can not be trusted.

    to me it seems that we have become such a violent society. we try to fix our problems with violence. we go to war with foreign countries and bomb the shit out of them.

    people believe money is the solution to endless happiness. it's so messed up.

    now with this whole shooting thing in arizona it really goes to show that we do live in dark times. you may not notice it but we do. we are a violent country unfortunately. =/

    it hurts me to read stories about this shooting and find that people are very QUICK to blame others RATHER then work together and fix problems.

    many point the shooting to politics (yes we realize politics are out of control but if you look closely jared loughner was just mentally unstable)

    people are also quick to blame his parents when they did NOT have any idea of what he was going to do. we don't have enough research on mental illnesses these days and it can be hard to tell when someone is sick

    it's a fucking sick world out there. i feel so bad for all of those who were effected by the shooting, when you think about it and really really really THINK what if it was a friend, brother, sister, or someone you knew who got shot. WHAT IF it was your kid? I think people should feel bad for the parents as of now (i say as of now if we find out anything else, but from what it looks like they didn't realize how bad it would be)

    /rant...maybe things will get better sooner. =/
  2. Lol we live on a shit planet called "EARTH"

    Everything is changing.

    Like right now some cop kicked a dude in the face where I live because he was in a panic state because of brain injuries...Now if he does anything wrong fall down or anything hes dead. (Never ever heard shit like this in Canada let alone where I live.)
  3. Dude.....it's all fucked.
  4. yeah...i hate to say it but we are all kind of fucked in the long run...
  5. Satan is in control of this earth. Seriouslsy though whether you're christian or not you can't argue that the world is overpowered by evil. That's why I argue with everyone so much. When I see someone doing something wrong I just have to seek justice. Unless of course I'm too stoned....

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZVxjH04aIY]YouTube - Black Eyed Peas - Where Is The Love[/ame]
  6. Dude the world was always fucked up. Nothings changed...
  7. We're going to become an endangered species soon
  8. these days? shit man if anything things have been getting better
  9. If you are trying to convey some sort of ideal or get your point across, take some time to think about what you are writing. No offense intended. I agree that this world is revolving on hatred and greed and that a lot of people are blind to it. But when you dont have a clear point and no examples people will just pass by what you say and it wont effect them in the least.
  10. Just think, when the old generations die off, it's gonna be us in charge, and we'll fix everything!
    There's always gonna be shit to bitch about man, fuck the shootings what about all the poor starving kids in africa? The war in iraq? We live in dark times now, what about 9/11? Economic collapse in the states?
  11. The heart of man hasn't changed, no. But we've advanced to the point where we have just so many more tools and technology that gets used for evil. You know, I mean, how much evil can a caveman with a stick inflict? So really the world is getting worse.
  12. OP, check out The Dalai Lama.. read some of his literature. If you have a Facebook you can "like" him on there. Always posting very wise words of peace and love.

    It isn't all hopeless.

    We all have the power to be Hitler or Jesus. but, it all starts with you.

  13. Same as its ever been.
  14. Also, I would like to add... With all the problems in the world it gives a major opportunity for people to feel compassion and come together.

    Life is perfect. It is what it is, and that's the only way it can be.
  15. i agree 100 percent.
  16. yeah bro ill check this out :)

  17. Hopefully we will at least there will be less of us to fuck up this beautiful planet. And maybe all the evil people will be gone.

  18. Care to elaborate? How is life perfect, by any definition? I personally dont believe it is perfect in any sense, not even close. And why is it the only way it can be? You say we each have the power to be "good" or "bad", which again is based on morality which is subjective, and then go on to say that nothing can change. So how would that choice effect life at all?

    I feel its hard to call life perfect when you have the same species killing itself off and committing atrocities you've never seen occur in nature. Fuck politics and the economy, im not even going to get started on that. Our society functions on greed and hate. Our ideals and goals have shifted from what really matters, whats productive and beneficial to society. A perfect scenario of life by natures standards would be completely different. A perfect scenario of life by social standards would be completely different. Life is far from perfect.

    As smart as we are, the human race is fucking stupid.
  19. It's perfect because it is the way it is. If it should have been a different way then it would have been and that way would also be perfect.

    Yes the world is filled with atrocities.. but what is a miracle without an atrocity? what is light without dark.

    Good and evil are subjective and man made.

    It's perfect because there is only one way it can be and that's the way it is. Reality. Suffering - ecstasy... Existence.. meaningless, incomplete, infinite.

    It's just that. An incomplete infinite perfect design made of love and hate. yin and yang. illusion of choice and free will.

    La Vida, man. The good stuff.
  20. Life would be perfect if we didn't strive for pointless knowledge by that i mean if we live life just loving each other and living to explore and enjoy our lives. There should be one universal law and that is you can do anything you want to do as long as it does not infringe on someone else. No land belongs to one man or group of men. There is no need for government. Why make inventions for what purpose if we can live a life to only love each other and enjoy our time on earth. Why must we all work for what reason do we go to jobs to get a check and repeat all over again. No one should need money to have a happy life. Do you know what i'm trying to say? Just live life to live it not to gain useless knowledge that will bring us to our doom. We could of all been living in a society where we help each other out with no need to have pointless jobs in cubicles or studying dinosaurs. Big whoop you found a new dinosaur now what are you going to do with that knowledge nothing at all.

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