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What is it like when you toke?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by THEderz, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. When I smoke, depending on the strength of the bud, after a certain amount of hits take one and just hit a wall. You know? It's that one hit that does the trick. haha But you know what I mean? You take that hit and then your like, "wow, im high right now." lol dam.
  2. For me its like I don't really get that high any more should take a break but whatever.. Its just Very relaxing and makes my back hurt less at this point and less mind high
  3. I'm so high right now
  4. I'm pretty high off three bowls soo five hits. If we're talking edibles then one. Ate a firecrackers and then I was in a different world and couldn't feel my body or anything.
  5. I love that first hit cause I get high instantly especially out my guys homemade bong
  6. i always pack my first cone really fat so i 'hit that wall' straight away, then i smash the fucking wall with a sledgehammer and keep going.
  7. [quote name='"Proud2Smoke"']i always pack my first cone really fat so i 'hit that wall' straight away, then i smash the fucking wall with a sledgehammer and keep going.[/quote]

    Wtf are you smoking?

  8. That was fucking amazing. That's like me when I smoke. hahaha

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