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What is it like to smoke everyday?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bleh124, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Daily smokers, I'm curious about a few things, hopefully you can help me out. I'm wondering:

    1) How is your average day (with smoking), compared to what your average day would be like if you didn't have a smoking habit at all?

    2) How is smoking compared to when you were relatively new to this?

    3) Let's say you decide not to smoke for a day; How does this sober day compare to a high day, and how does it compare to a sober day if you didn't have a habit.

    Thanks for spreading your knowledge :)
  2. well, if I have time to sober up before work then I vape when I get up, and make my way to work. I work a sober shift and go home. So basically a boring but productive day, but it's MOB before anything else!

    Smoking is still just as great as it's ever been but we smoke way better herb now. We're turning into weed snobs! LOL! Just kidding, I'd still smoke a bowl of shwag if I was broke. The high is much better now that we graduated to better weed. we pick body and head high or just head high. Sleepy or active :D

    We don't have to worry about not getting high, we are all licensed for MMJ :D
  3. Frankly, when a day passes without smoking I feel weird. Sober is the new high for me. Hahaa.
    Of course that wears off the next few days after I stop, if I have to study for exams or work needs to be done.I prefer being high high than sober high, if that makes any sense.
  4. well i been smokeing every day for the past week and the day go by much faster when your high, compared to when your not, if your new to smokeing you might have hangovers the next day you feel dazed and confused. but even today i rolled the smallest joint ever just to get a small buzz :rolleyes:
  5. I like weed.
  6. If i don't smoke during the day then i get easily frustrated, and not as sociable.:confused:
  7. just to broadcast the darkside of the stoner nation, when a guy like me reverts to smokin each and every single day, it can become quite a hassle at times, not the fact that im smoking weed or getting high, just the fact that im revolving myself around weed....i think today was the first time i've gone sober in at least 6 months if not longer and i can say i've felt a little anxious and sorta sweaty...thats actually pretty normal for me but if my system were clean then i most likely wouldnt feel any different on a day to day basis.....
    basicly its just a matter of gaining not necessarily a physical, but a psychological tolerance if you are smoking every day, because low and behold there comes a day like today when the bud is nowhere to be found
    marijuana is a mind altering "substance" (as they call it), but only as mind altering as YOU let it be
  8. I about the same shit i would do on a sober day that i would do on a day when i smoke the whole day.Play video games,eat some food,watch some t.v,listen to music,maybe take a walk around the block.

    Just i'm more happy during the days i smoke then the days i don't

    I'm not saying i can't be happy on a sober day,but i could be alot happier

    Hm.. to answer your second question, been high for the first times i'd over smoke and just be sedated,but now i smoke to get high,not sedated
  9. #9 k_semler, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    So is caffine, yet I was able to get over my "morning grump" after 2 wks w/ no coffee. It sucked, but it's perfectly doable. (ever made coffee for the rest of the office, and thew away the coffee, but turned on the filter with no water, (because the saftey sucked you bypassed it 3 wks earlier before you decided on a personal "no coffee in the morning" policy"?), therefore torching the coffee pot? I have)

    EDIT: When the coffee pot burst into flames, I just thew it out the window, figuring it would be somebody else's problem.
  10. It feels really good to smoke everyday :smoking:
  11. smoke a blunt
    wait 5 minutes
    now imagine that all day everyday
    i'll see you when you come back down:wave:
  12. I usually smoke at least once every day, but every once in a while I will just be in the mood to be sober. Whenever i'm in that mood, it just feels really nice to be sober. Dont get me wrong- I definitely love being high. Its just nice to have some contrast every once in a while lmao. :D
  13. I chief everyday. As fun as that is, I get nothing done whatsoever. However, the fun times that ensue almost make up for it...I've basically lived in my buddy's Tahoe this week - we took out the back seats and folded the middle ones into the floor and made a kind of smoking lounge. One hour later, you couldn't see in, lol.

    This past week's a been a blur, I may go sober for a couple days - as far as I'm concerned, TODAY is the first day of classes, not last Wednesday :smoking:
  14. I love it. But it makes me feel burnt and anxious on days i dont.
  15. I smoke weed just almost everyday mostly in the evening. Its nice to get school/work out of the way then end everything off with a little session
  16. 1.) My average day with smoking is far more entertaining. It makes even everyday tasks much more enjoyable and you are usually able to smile anything off. If i didn't smoke everyday then its much mroe of a drag. I focus more on the negatives of the day, and just life in general. Compared to being high, I focus only on the good and let that motivate me.

    2.) When i was new, every smoking experience was like visiting a new place. SO many different sights to see and things to think of. Now when i smoke, its still incredibly enjoyable, but it's more like visiting an old friend, rather than meeting a new one.

    3.) Like I said in Question 1, a sober day is filled with much more grief and really just plain disgust.

  17. 1. I go through most of my day sober actually... I work third shift and need to be completely sober for it. So I just smoke in the morning after I get home. Sometimes I'll smoke a little after I wake up, but only if it's like before 6pm. I actually haven't skipped a day since getting in this routine, but I imagine I might have a harder time getting to sleep if I don't smoke. Not because I need it to sleep, but because my mind would probably be racing because I wasn't high when I normally am. So it'd basically just cause a bit of anxiety I guess.

    2. When I first started smoking, my highs would really seem to linger. Like, I couldn't smoke everyday cause of it. The day after I'd always still feel pretty out of it. Now, it's pretty clear to me when I'm high/sober. I do get a a tad linger sometimes, but whereas before I could never seem to recover from a high without sleeping it off, now it's pretty easy for me to just go back to being sober. And I can do a lot more tasks stoned than I could before--all I wanted to do was sit and stare when I first started.

    3. I think my first two kinda already answered this, sort of? IDK, I just am hiiiigh and don't feel like typing anymore. :smoking:
  18. #18 fruscianterza, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    feels like when you smoke and you get high...except everyday :smoke:

    1. a regular day smoking versus a regular day with non smoking is just when you're high, everything is in interesting experience, and it makes things very enjoyable. even just driving in traffic or whatever. when you're not high the whole day, i dont feel a need to smoke, but things do get boring.

    2. meh, nothing really. i act normal when im high versus when i dont smoke...for the most part that is

    3. it's not really a habit, it's more of like a hobby. but the day like i said, its basically more boring than anything, but i dont have that need to get high.
  19. all im needin is a montage....montage
    yeah amuthafuckin montage
    a stoner hippy goddamn montage
  20. i smoke every day, and i've been smoking every day for about 10- 12 months now.....except i just so happened to finish my last bowl of weed 4 hours ago, and i'm about to break for 2- 4 days... i can tell u that i've developed such an addiction that i'm dreading the next few days.

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