Alcohol. All the smart, bitchy girls i know drink. Thats it. They think they are badass or something because they get wasted...has anyone noticed this trend. I dunno what is so enjoyable about getting drunk that highschool/college girls seem to LOVE. someone want to explain?
Personally, I don't see what people see in it. Haha. I enjoy drinking, but not as much as some kids seem to.
people react weird when i tell them i dont drink, whilst pulling a j out of my pocket. i feel i've gotten all i could out of alcohol, and with all my experiences, i've found that the negative effects far out weigh the positive effects, so i just dont do it.
I dont drink like I used to when I was 16-20, I would drink a 5th & a 12 pack a day & thats after work. Every now & then I kill 30+ beers for the hell of it... But i know one thing I bet 1000 buks I will drink them bitch's under the table lol.. Being an alcoholic made me able to consume huge amounts of alcohol, But I dont drink everyday no more, that shits stupid I might drink 10 days out the month now.. Most all chicks who can drink without passing out or throwing up get cocky or extremely slutty lol I guess thats why they think there bad ass.. Give them a good weekend with me I bet the dont touch alcohol anymore lol
I think it's gross. I mean I do all sorts of drugs, but none of them make me feel numb/woozy/angry. I mean it's not even the bad health part of it it's just I don't find it recreational. All my senses are dulled. That not much fun. Even the opioids which I sometimes do don't make me numb, more like my body is having an orgasm. It make music sound worse imo, and I can't stand that. It makes me angry and easily irritable. Whereas with psychadelics when things happen I'll make like the dude and say fuck it, then roll another joint.
hmmm, too bad frusciante (guitarist) recently quit. his solo stuff is killer though, i recommend listening to Unreachable. Lennon vocals, with a Led Zeppelin No Quarter type vibe. good shit.
I know what you mean man, girls are always telling me how they got SO wasted last night. Like cmon, I don't give a shit. It's like I HAVE to know how badly they got wasted last night, nothing else is important. I really don't like drinking, only on occasions.
i deal with this kinda shit every day. yea its annoying as all get out but i guess whatever floats there boat. lately theres one of the jocks that got put on house arrest (doesnt even have the bracelet on his ankle, so i guess its not really "house arrest") anyway, all his friends think its hilarious and he thinks he's a badass. i think they bitchy chicks and the jocks think its cool or some shit but to everybody else its flat fucking annoying to hear about it all day.
yea i realized the people that drink the most are the "cool kids" oh and its only cool to "Smoke weed" if you barely hit it. getting high is "cool" but smoking the weed itself is bad... damn i hate the "popular" crowd.
Yeah, it's annoying how they think they're badass for getting wasted, telling me their drunk stories and shit. I just don't get it.
cause they can be whores and alcohol is the excuse. or they do slutty shit that they claim they dont remember at all
nah man, whats worse is when those people like spam your facebook with statuses about getting drunk, and that texts from last night talking about getting drunk. smokers are so much more chill than drinkers imo.
im fucking sick of alcohol ive been on vacation and thought it would be okay to have 1-3 drinks every night since I havent had access to weed. Well tonight was day 8 of doing that, and I got damn pissy. Me and my mom shared 4 drinks before dinner tonight and had a disagreement and have been fighting ever since. never would've happened with weed. damn it. dont wanna touch that shit for a while. its good every now and then in moderation but too much of it just makes me miserable. and yea i hate drunk bitches, i thought it was a coincidence that every girl ive ever been truly interested in didnt drink that much, but now I realized its no coincidence.
i know what you mean dude, and when you have sex you have to tell the world because you're awesome right? only awesome when you're popular though and have designer clothes and have daddy's credit card and live in hidden estates and have big diamond rings -.- fuck em