What is highest you've been?

Discussion in 'The Great Outdoors' started by gacland, Dec 29, 2009.

  1. I was wondering what would be the highest elevation you have ever gotten high at?

    Mine would be Mt. Adams, 12, 281 feet above sea level. (bong hits)
  2. 3333m/10935ft
    Peak 7, Breckenridge, CO
    Was the highest I've been high...actually the top of the lift is 3470m. The 3333m is where I smoked.
    39 29.078'N
    106 5.166'W

    3575m/11729 ft
    Mount Philips, Philmont Scout Ranch, Cimarron, NM
    36 28.613'N
    105 9.598'W
    The highest ground I've set foot on, sober though.
  3. i been to the higest point in TN dk how high it is but it was high up in the smokies
  4. The second time I ever smoked weed, it was a half day in high school and my and one of my friends took off in his van to get blazed. We stopped in an empty parking lot (this is stupid to me now but i was dumb back then) and he took out his secret stash.

    Well, he loaded his bowl up and I took a hit. Didn't feel anything at first...was just kinda having a casual convo with him and we started. Well, all of the sudden, he says "Do you know So and So?" As I was about to answer the question, my head suddenly started falling forward and began to drop as is i was fainting. I caught myself before I actually fell all the way down. All I could do was look at him and say, "Dude, I'm blasted..."

    I was gone already. This was only my second time so I was kinda nervous about the whole thing anyways. I mananged to convince him to take us back to school cause I was paranoid. He turned on the music as we drove back and it felt like we were driving in slow motion. It was some hardcore rap and it felt so weird riding in the car. "Turn the music down! Turn the music down!" I said...I just couldn't handle it. This was probably the highest I have ever been in my whole life. I was actually tripping off of the MJ that day...seriously. I felt like I was in a movie. I didn't see anything psychedelic, per se, but my vision would seem to *zoom* in on things and make everything just...*weird.* It's hard to explain.

    We got back to school and I went to the gym and layed down on a bench in the locker room until I felt good to show myself around the school. At one point, a janitor came in to use the bathroom and I he saw me just laying there stoned. He didn't say anything but it was a close call.

    I will never forget that day...

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