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What Is High Times Magazine?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by n00dles, May 21, 2013.

  1. I want to subscribe, what kind of content does it have?
  2. #2 Sgtstadanko707, May 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2013
    Really. This is even a question?
    You would be amazed at what a quick google search would do.
  3. its a magazine, about marijuana. 
    Mark this as solved. Right now.
  4. It's exactly what you think it would be :p
  5. Obviously weed yeah, but more how to grow it, more on strains, what? Cause i dont want to subscribe if it is more focused on growing because i dont.
  6. Obviously weed yeah, but more how to grow it, more on strains, what? Cause i dont want to subscribe if it is more focused on growing because i dont.
  7. How about you go buy one and find out.
  8. it's a biased marijuana magazine.  they often rate products that buy advertising space from them...which is a conflict of interest.  it's an okay read in a lobby or something but definitely not worth paying for
  9. just go to the website. if it looks like something you'd read on the shitter, then grab a copy. me, I prefer game informer.
    Did you ever think the reason he is asking is because he doesn't want to waste his money on something he doesn't want? 
    But yeah, just use the google search. Never subscribed to them before because i'm not a big magazine person, but you might like em' if you're into that.
  11. #11 Twistedweather, May 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2013
    lots of info about cannibas culture like consuming herbs in its many forms, growing herb, beautiful pictures of bud, and notable figures in the marijuana social arena
    yes advertising is insanely present but its cool glance at.  I have a 2 year subscription for 50 bucks.
    also great to read on the shitter while smoking that "poop break" blunt/joint/bong hit :smoking:
  12. They sell them at every 7/11 for like 4 bucks. Is it really that hard. I prefer skunk mag better. HT is pretty weak now. It's just trying to be mainstream so all the kids will read it.
    umm, for some people 4 bucks is a lot of money to waste on a magazine that you know nothing about. Not all of us get to live in the lap of luxury.
    But, like I said, google is you're friend OP.
  14. Yes it is really that hard. The nearest 7/11 is who knows how many miles away. And ive never not once seen a HT mag anywhere in my life. I live in Texas maybe that is why.
  15. Lol. 4 bucks is the lap of luxury. How would that person even afford a sac
  16. Only two things come from texas. Can you guess what they are?

    Think, Full Metal Jacket.
  17. robbery
  18. For some weed. You sound like a tweaker.
  19. Ur mom nd my c0ck
  20. #20 shaggish, May 22, 2013
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
    OP just download the magazine via torrent and pay nothing
    edit.  might be tougher than i thought, if no gives a shit about the magazine to pirate it lol

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