What is everyone's favorite experience being stoned???

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by spread_dead420, Feb 26, 2002.

  1. I've had a lot of great experiences. One of the highest times I've ever been, I was with my two friends and I got so high, and they kept telling me we smoked chronic and I kept not believing them, and every two minutes I'd go, "I had a dream you told me I smoked chronic" and they'd go, "That wasn't a dream! We did say that" and we went on like that 7 times. Then we went to a playground and got on a carousel and I forgot where I was and it felt like I was on a pedestal in the clouds. That is perhaps the only time I've felt literally high, as in, incredibly high in the sky. It was great :)
  2. my favorite experience is just chillin on the beach smoking a fat blunt with my bf. and going up to the water and almost getting hit by a wave.
  3. id have to say my first time was great. I was sitting in my brothers room ontop of 3 double airmatresses (we were renovating his room so he had to sleep on that.) it was about 6 ft. tall. I watched the craziest tv show ever. This animal was timetraveling by going into his butthole. i cant explain it. Bliss i guess.
  4. At my sisters sweet sixteen party me and a bunch of my boys went outside to rip some dank shit. But we couldnt find a lighter. So my friend goes up to these old ladies smokin cigs and asks them if he could buy there lighter off them. They just stare at him and laugh, they were like "you can light up right here and give it back" and hes "nah, fuck it" Hes walking away and the two ladies follow him and explain to him that they have been trying to smoke this phat J all night but too many people were around. So he invites them back to my friends truck..

    Im sitting inside the truck freaking out because these two old ladies are with him, he opens the door and i'm like what the fuck man. Hes like bro, shes got a fucking J and she wants to BLAZE. I was like fuck yes, get them in here. So we pack my pipe and pass the j with these two 60 year old woman. IT was the most amazing experience smoking yet. haha I love how weed brings so many people together, of all ages. Its fucking great
  5. Making brownies with my bf, we threw an ounce in them and they fucked us up..
    Then he surprised me and picked me up from school the next morning with a blunt and 2 brownies. We went to the beach and hotboxed the car and then ate the brownies and just chilled on the beach the whole day. It was a really sunny, warm day out and it was seriously fucking awesome.
  6. My favorite time probably was last summer I went to North Carolina (OBX) and every night we would go out and smoke a few bowls at the very least three. It was back when I had low tolerance so I would get fucking ripped. After we would just walk the beach saying hi to everyone we saw and riding our bikes through the town. It was one of the best weeks of my life we smoked at least an O in that one week. Needless to say I dont remember much about it.
  7. smoking 4 2 gram blunts, and being so high and barley able to breath, laughing my ass off, and having the car so hot boxed you couldn't see though it.
    (this is the night where i took my sig picture)
  8. Gettin blazed on 3 hits.. loll i miss those days of first smokin. I can smoke three BOWLS and still be like, okay to drive now. Hehe okay so thats a bit of an exagerration.
  9. OMG! Best story every. So me and my friend Eric are night-skiiing, and I find what I deem "OUR stoner spot" in this clearing of trees, just off the main trail. No one can see us, but if we look thru some of the trees, we can see (and of course hear) anyone's coming. We smoke a few bowls, and hear four kids from another school's ski club coming up. They are SO loud, talkin about, "Nah man. Nobody back at the lodge would ever be able to tell we're high." etc.
    I decide to prank em, and start walking over. When Eric and I first found the spot, I'd noticed some Private Property signs in the distance (it ahd been daylight then). So I went over to the kids, and was all, "I live back over there, I was just hikin back here and see you kids. My parents dont like when ppl trespass on our property, much less teenagers who think they can do whatever they want. I can have you all drug tested if u dont leave right now. We hate when kids come up here, smokin weed...." By this pt, the kids were looking scared shitless and about to leave real quick.
    I hesitated for a moment, before saying, "Sike! Me and my friend have been tokin down there for half an hour!" They were stunned for a moment, before we all cracked up and introduced ourselves. They joined us in the "Ideal stoner spot" and we all chilled for a bit before they had to leave. Was a fun time, but I forgot all their names :-/ I have a crappy memory name-and-number wise before blazing anyway.

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