What is even the meaning of life

Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by Weedvallen, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. #1 Weedvallen, Dec 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 13, 2014
    Before I write anything I would like to say that there may be several grammar fails, but as english is my second language, and because im high as fuck I dont wanna use my time correcting it, sorry 
    I love the state of high i'm in right now, my head is rushing with thoughts, Mostly huge dilemmas. I recently started watching Sword Art Online, and it completely fucks me up, My brain goes nuts when I watching, its almost like ASMR for you that know what that is, but instead of a chill and relaxing feeling, I get this explosion of excitement, and a feeling pretty close to nostalgia, Technology is fucking rocketing into the sky, more than ever, and i'm nearly shaking of excitement when I think that when i'm a grown man, things may have come far enough to actually recreate, or at least try to recreate the vibe and setting of SAO. On second thoughts this feeling is pretty much the same as when I read the Dragon Ball manga when I was a kid, i'm not gonna lie, I was convinced at that time, that the world would have more to give than the usual everyone else was given, I after some years understood that this wouldn't even be possible in the terms of physics and shit, I felt I could start comparing the whole dilemma of mine with a religion, so I banished the thought. But looking back to this SAO thing coming to reality, its seems much more realistic, because we have already started creating the basic elements to actually manage to recreate something like it.
    Wow feels great to be in this writing mood, feels very inspirational, and like I mentioned above i'm not a real faen of living the "usual" life, the whole thing is kinda depressing, when I look at my closest family, I see dried out people that have lived straight out boring lives, well maybe not my father, he seems like he had an awesome childhood, looks awesome to grow up in the 80's n 90's, but however, he now has several children and a pretty lame ass job if you would ask me. And I don't wanna end up like that, I want to be that one that my current classmates look at when they are grown, and say "Wow that guy did really make it", Do you guys get me or am I shitting myself in this trip. I recently also started making music, EDM to be specific, and you know, im pretty newb, but I feel like I have a gift for this shit, i've learned sooo much in only few weeks, and I enjoy creating shit that actually can please me, and please other people, I mean.. If I could ever have a working profit of this, I would be in heaven, I so badly wanna fuck everything else and just go for it, but so many of my senses says no, it feels like i'm a prisoner, and that I have to live by the book, like everyone else, and I don't wanna do that.. Worst thing is that I haven't produced anything near to professional yet, but I can sense that I will in the future.. IDK this whole thing is fucked up, can't remember all i've written, and half of it is probably just bullshit, but it felt awesome getting all this written down for once.
    And for everyone that managed to bear trough that, keep having a lovely weekend 

  2. Beautiful thought.. now drink plenty of water and keep your head in smoke..
  3. Your title is way too general.. i personally do not think life has a specific meaning. Maybe a more personalized meaning where you achieve whatever goals you set your mind to in order to make a proper and happy journey while you are physically existent in a specific time and space. We are simple organisms that evolved and our basic aim is survival and reproduction to keep this planet running and alive. Don't forget earth benefits from us as much as we benefit from it, but no nowadays. We are destroying the planet like no other organism has ever done.

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  4. ^ Pretty much what this guy here said.
    The meaning of life is like all animals, to eat and to fuck. Beyond that, we have to find our own meaning, what we find joy in, what we are productive and successful at, all of the things we spend our finite life on. There is no answer that applies to everyone. We all have different interests and skills, as well as the fact that we all value fulfillment of our own lives in comparison to doing good for the rest of the world differently.
    Do what you like to do. Some enjoy lives a lot more or less 'mainstream' than others. Takes all kinds to make the world spin. I wouldn't worry about trying to impress your classmates though. It is pointless, because you will not live as full a life in pursuit of others approval, and neither will you ever gain everyone's approval, no matter what you do. Your time is your only truly finite resource, you're best off using however you see fit, IMO. If that is making music, even trying to pursue it professionally, so long as you acknowledge the possibility of failure, there is no reason you shouldn't.
    Daily post by stoner kid afraid of having a 'normal' future, check! :p
  5. #5 waterbottledoorstop, Feb 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2015
    It's 42
  6. Life is whatever you want it to mean
  7. You should look up Joe Rogans meaning of life, it really makes you think
  8. Love
    No seriously, that's the point. It's the reason we do anything
  9. I believe the meaning of life is to find happiness and to spread happiness to others.
  10. To enjoy the ride

    That is the only thing you can really do

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  11. I feel that there is no meaning to life the idea keeps us going a goal in a way some it's to be successful some find love finding purpose makes life more meaningful a sense of direction

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  12. [​IMG]
    Ball is life.

    SeNt FrOm My•☆GaL@x¥ $5☆•
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