What Is Eating My Leaves?

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Hxcplayer, Jun 18, 2014.

  1. #1 Hxcplayer, Jun 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2014
    Hey guys, so ever since i transplanted my plant into the forest its been boosting and growing fast and healthy. Four days ago i went to check up on it and water it, i had LST'd it a week ago. It looked fabulous and grew really fast. Only problem i found was that some of the leaves seem to have been chewed on. In your opinion what do you think it was? A bird? A Snail/Slug? A Cricket? etc... Also, can it get worse? What should i do to eliminate these kinds of problems? I already dealt with spider mites in its seedling stage which was a pain in the ass but yet i managed.
    Here are a few pictures to help out: (Third pic is just a pic of the canopy, just thought I'd post it up and see what you guys think of her).

    IMG_4816.JPG IMG_4815.JPG IMG_4814.JPG
  2. #2 Hxcplayer, Jun 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2014
    Bump. Anyone?

    I'm leaving in 5 minutes with 2 bottles of beer for slugs/snails and i might try to set up a chicken fence around her. Please if anyone else has any suggestions on fixing the problem, do not hesitate to reply.
  3. FUCK IT! FUCK IT ALL! So i just got back from the hike, and well... My plant is plain dead. I don't know WTF happened. Not sure if it was an animal or some worthless cunt asshole. Here are some pics:
    IMG_4821.JPG IMG_4824.JPG IMG_4826.JPG
  4. I want to think it was an animal, a herbivore, but it didn't eat the plant as it sits there in the photo, if a human then he would have ripped up roots and all ....difficult to decide with out further import.
    put down some further grows, and piss around the site and use a net cage to protect your plants, use neem oil from germ to just before harvest to prevent mold and bugs
    Always germ 5-9 plants at home once 12 inches high plant out after 3 weeks or so ...plant very deep
    but don't give up over a ripper, but he will be waiting for more, ...but are you gonna wait for him...?

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