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What is "Chronic" weed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by JankDank, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. me and my friend are going to put in half and half to buy some grass. he comes up to me later and says " the shit were getting is gonna be chronic so we wont get as much but its worth it" this is my second time buying so im not sure what this means.
  2. It means very above average.
  3. (bump) what im saying is, whats the difference between chronic and just regular mids?
  4. I guess he means it's dank. Use context clues dude.
  5. In my area it's weed laced with crack...
  6. Don't listen to the trolls. Judging by the context, he means that you're gonna get some good ish.
  7. Context clues broseph. It means dank, potent, fire, etc.

  8. thanks man
  9. I wasn't trolling. It really means weed laced with crack in my area.....
  10. I've heard of it being used to describe that. The other meaning i have heard is just another word for dank.
  11. It means long lasting bud. Haha chronic.. get it.. chronic means long lasting. Oh shit I'm funny.
  12. Chronic is weed laced with crack. Though nowadays you hear a lot of people use it to describe some dank weed.
  13. If you live in Oregon (and I think Cali, too), then chronic just means really dank weed. Weed laced with crack/cocaine around here is called chewy.
  14. All about the quality..
    Regs -


    Dank (chronic,fire,etc..)
  15. fucking lol "grass"
  16. @Op Marijuana Prices, Quality And Marijuana Grades Guide & Chronic just means Dank your friend said it would cost more because Dank weed cost double what average bud would cost and Dank is very potent or alot more potent than regular $10 a Gram bud.
  17. Isn't Chronic just another word for weed and Dank is the good stuff?
  18. [ame][/ame]

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