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What is causing this?? Please help

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Brian_maes, Aug 21, 2019.

  1. C423181E-290C-4DFE-A26F-0F67F2C34084.jpeg 143170B8-A1B6-4FF3-A743-EDD936102E3B.jpeg F0E12601-8C8C-4430-AB68-797B60F812AA.jpeg 6631AD98-4B0B-4223-B678-573834A23DEA.jpeg C423181E-290C-4DFE-A26F-0F67F2C34084.jpeg the leaves are turning brown and crunchy. What can i do to stop this? I don’t want my plant to die a couple weeks before harvest. Thanks!
  2. Are you feeding it? Maybe feeding it too much? Hard to tell without knowing more and seeing the whole plant.
  3. Looks like you have bugs.
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  4. Should i cut off the dark leaves?

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