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what is being high

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by joedas, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. ive been smoking for about 5 months now, and ive smoked a lot since. but i dont think i fully understand what being high is, for me its when my vision gets tunnel visioned, i twitch kind of(chills up my spine), and gentle rolling, and the room might spin a little but then its spinning, and i get that crisp 3d blurriness, and things are funny... but then theyre not cause its like "whats so funny" and i get lost, or i miss things people say, like i cant watch a movie, i get lost in it and my friends will call me a couple times and i wont notice and sometimes i get lost with anything, i have friends who are chill when high, and some are hyper, how does the hyperness work if everything is slow and gentle? and i keep wondering if im walking ok cause it sure doesnt feel like i am, and i get too paranoid, and i have friends who do everything normaland theyre just having a great time, and when ever im high i just never know what im doing, i just do things, anyone have anything to say to that? like what is being "high"
  2. once you start smoking more/longer, youll be able to know your high right away/minutes after smoking
  3. There is no generic definition of "stoned" or "high".
    It'll vary from person to person based on many factors such as tolerance, user experience, amount smoked over # period of time, weight, etc.

    As you've described, it seems you've experienced multiple types of high.
    The only other explanation I can offer is "high" is when you're no longer in your normal state of mind. Can be as mild as light headedness (though what's the point of stopping there? :p) or as intense as seeing sound waves and transcending time & space while your body is a vegetable. lol
  4. What the hell is your problem? Being high is being high. You just know if your high. Stop trying to analyze it.
  5. Word. LOL. Just enjoy that shit bro
  6. like someone else said. its a unique experience for everyone. yet we all share a love for this experience. who cares man :smoke:
  7. high is what happens after you smoke dont know how else to explain it :)
  8. When you smoke long enough... Idk 5 months seems long enough for me but anyways.. After you have been smoking for long enough you can just do everything normal and controlled as to beginners having no tolerance to it and freaking out, How often do you toke?
  9. u should know what being high is by now.. :confused:
    being high cant really be described.. everyone perceives it differently, theres know way to exactly pinpoint:D
  10. when your body feels numb and you keep saying over in your head "im fucked up im so fucked up" followed by the feeling of your eyes gets dry and watery and red thats what they feel like, like they are getting red. then you close your eyes and feel a strong buzz with some obvious loss of motor controls when you stand up its a little bit different and everything is a little bit different while youre high. you notice the randomnest shit. written while high:smoke:
  11. High is different for everyone, sometimes you'll hear things, other times your vision will bug out, and you'll understand things differently. For me, every high I've had has been different, sometimes not by a lot, but it's always different in some small way.
    As far as I see, as long as I'm make little sense of something, and can't hold the lighter to the pipe, thats when I know I'm high. :)
  12. my buddy says i over-analyze my highs - like we've both been smoking for a while, he years more than me, but he can still get high/stoner on schwag... i cant -- so he thinks i think myself out of my high.

    is that possible.

    For me i'd like to know what im smoking for certain highs, functional highs for wake bakes and couch melting highs for late at night or sleepy highs for bed.
  13. thankss, but how come my highs are so intense and my friends can act normal around adults?
  14. Its when you laugh at something, then you forget what you were laughing about, so you laugh about that, and then you laugh about how stupid you look laughing, and by that time you should figure it out that your high. lololol jkjk u'll never know till you get there.

  15. this ^ lmfao happened to me once i was so wrecked lmao
  16. The more you smoke, the better you'll be able to hide your high. I was one of those people who just could not control myself, but it gets better with experience, like anything else.
  17. Dude, how old are ya?

    EDIT: Hah, I read your 'I have friends who do everything normal and" as " I have friends who do everything [as if in] normal-land.

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