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What IS a seasoned toker?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Doobius, Aug 17, 2002.

  1. i'd consider myself a seasoned toker, i've been tokin for bout 16 yrs, i would'nt say i'm experieced in the scence that i've used every type of device though. maybe i have and did'nt know it! all i know is the shit is good and i'll do it till the day i die!

  2. true true, like my father cept he's down to little sources that provide schwag. sad sad, but he had his times and in my coming years, i'll have my times.
  3. I agree with alot of the last several post, in certain ways.

    I think there are probably a few...First Timer, Rookie, Average Toker, Semi Pro, Pro, Advanced, Seasoned Toker. Call 'em what you want... but I definitely think that are many different levels of tokers.

    I've been smokin' for about half my life... or nearly 15 years. So I think that is a pretty significant percentage. Also, I've smoked ALOT of herbs over the years and, can out smoke, or at the least keep up with anyone I've ever met (not trying to knock anyone in anyway shape or form, it's just seems to be the way it is). I've got more "weed stories" than I can even remember and I've probably tried just about every device, type of roll, gadget, blah, blah, blah out there. I'm definitely a MacGuyver smoker and I've pretty much done everything over the last 15 or so years high. I've sold, smoked legendary sessions, made oils, been through just about ever situation you could think of and I guess I feel like I've pretty much done it all... except grow. That's the reason I ended up her, looking for grow info.

    I think I've pretty much been there, done that and feel that weed is just a part of life now. No matter how good the weed or much I smoke... I never get to the point when I just can't handle one more toke. That is THE reason I feel that I can call myself a 'seasoned toker', shit, most people I know call me one. I'm not tryin' to boast or brag or anything like that, because I'm sure there are a lot of people on here who can say all the same stuff. I also wouldn't doubt that there are a hell of a lot of people here who could out do me in every way shape or form, be it knowlegde, ability, experiences, blah, blah, blah. That is another reason I'm here. I wanna meet the "weed gods" of our planet, pick there brains and become a Buddha Masta... ;) I'd say weed is pretty much my hobby, if it's your hobby too, you're probably pretty seasoned... or at least well on your way.

    Anyway, that's that, hope it makes some sense. Tough to type a coherent message when you're all blazed off of some of Vancouver's finest. Know what I mean?
  4. a toker... but with salt and pepper...

  5. HAHAHAHAHA, ........................ ha. !!!
  6. when i think of it i think someone who has experience.......smoked many kinds of bud and used many types of devices........have smoked many kinds of ways.....someone who knows their shit ya know
  7. yeah I'm agreein with basically knowing your shit.
  8. Hey all!

    I thought this was originally a forum for people like me who have tried to clear that massive party bowl with one hit, fell into a hacking spasm, and knocked the spice rack off the wall and on to themselves.

    I was thinking the world must be full of people like this to have their own forum here at the city.

    Alas, I was mistaken.

    But in the process I've found a pretty cool place hang out!
  9. here is the formula to see if your a seasoned toker

    number of blunts smoked in 1 day+number of bong loads per day X number of pipe bowls in a day= stoner score

    lol jk

    your seasoned if youve been around the block and know your shit about herb
  10. I agree with what some of you are saying here, but I want to voice my opinion on what I think a "seasoned toker" really is. I don't think its about how long you have been smoking, or about how much you smoke, it's about having experience and knowledge when it comes to smoking marijuana.

    1. You have to have experience. A seasoned toker has been there and done that.

    2. A seasoned toker has smoked marijuana in every way possible. Be it bongs, joints, pieces, one-hitters, homemade bongs, apples, vaporizers, name it. And if a seasoned toker hasn't smoked a certain way, they definitely know how to smoke that way.

    3. A seasoned smoker will never become "too high." They have high tolerances which make it impossible to smoke too much. They reach a plateau, and are always in control of themselves.

    4. A seasoned smoker can handle themselves in any situation. They can hide their high at any time, in any situation. You won't catch them laughing uncontrollably in public like a 14 year old who just puffed their first joint.

    5. A seasoned toker can easily determine quality of marijuana from sight, and if not sight, definitely from a quick smoke of the herb. They know how much the herb costs. They know how much is too much, and what is a good deal. A seasoned toker rarely gets "ripped off" from a dealer, because they know how to deal with these people. They know the difference between an 8th and a quarter. They know how many grams make up an 8th, a quad, an ounce...

    6. Seasoned tokers know the slang and terminology. They know the difference between a spliff and a joint. Between a joint and a blunt. Between an "O" and a QP. They know the difference between a bubbler and a bong, between a piece and a one hitter. They know what keef is. They know what smoking resin is, what "milking" a bong is...etc....

    7. One thing that I believe comes with lots of experience, and what makes a smoker a "seasoned toker" is learning proper smoking etiquette. In my opinion, a seasoned smoker knows not to torch the whole bowl, but to corner the bowl (some do not believe in this though). You will never find a seasoned toker screwing up the rotation of a smoking circle. You won't see them taking 3 hits out of a blunt in rotation. Puff pass on joints, puff puff pass on blunts, unless stated otherwise. One other thing that has just recently caught my attention is taking "double" hits out of a bong in rotation. This is milking a bong beyond a single hit, exhaling, and then clearing the rest of the chamber. This gives a person two hits in my opinion, and is definitely not proper etiquette, especially when that person is not the one who supplied the herb. Etiquette can vary from smoker to smoker, but for the most part, is the same.

    8. A seasoned toker can judge marijuana in the same way wine testers can test wine. They can determine sleepy weed from energetic weed. Doped out weed from creative weed. They are marijuana connoisseurs of sorts, and can give you an educated opinion on the product.

    9. A seasoned toker is very well educated about marijuana. They know the laws. They know the health effects of marijuana. They know the pros and cons of smoking pot. They can give you educated opinions about legalization and the sorts..

    10. A seasoned toker has so many smoking stories that they can't even begin to retell them all. A seasoned toker has found themselves in situations they never would have without being a smoker. They have found themselves smoking with all sorts of people with all sorts of backgrounds. They have smoked with randoms, bosses, classmates, that homeless guy on the street, businessmen, family members (old and young), neighbors...etc.

    11. Another thing, in my opinion, is having a basic knowledge of the hemp plant and how it is grown. Knowing how chronic becomes chronic, and how hydro is grown. They know why regs is loaded with seeds and why good quality weed should not have seeds. They understand the time and knowledge it takes to produce the marijuana they smoke.

    12. A seasoned toker can balance smoking with their life. They don't let the plant ruin them. They use it to enhance their life and not to hurt it. They control the herb, it doesn't control them.

    I first smoked when I was 14, but really picked it up in college. I have only been smoking heavily for about a year and a half now, but I feel as though I myself am a "seasoned toker." Like I said, experience is not just smoking for a long time, but a mixture of time, amount, and general knowledge.

    I feel as though I may have missed some aspects that make up a seasoned toker. Let me know, but I give up for now. I could most likely keep going for a while. Goodnight for now. Cheers.
  11. #31 mr_waterpipe, Dec 12, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2009
    kmcgahey13 i think you got it right there but knowing the different slangs for different ways of smoking etc can vary so much from place to place that i dont think that comes into it really. For example where i live a spliff and a joint is the same thing, but a spliff and a blunt isnt. And a bong and a waterpipe are different too (only between me and my group of mates, but still. A bong to me is plastic/acrylic, cheap and generally looks like a crackhead uses it (plastic bottles, crap basil bush bongs etc), where as a waterpipe is a properly crafted 100% glass bong (roor, gspot etc). I know its not like this anywhere else really, just something we do and helps us to identify what we are talking about. For example, i only smoke water pipes nowadays, not bongs really. The reason for this is that i cannot accept that my pipes which i spent hundreds on are even remotely like a cheap bong crappy bong when you smoke it.

    I believe any toker knows when he/she is a seasoned toker. If you have doubts, you arent one.
  12. A seasoned toker knows thier bud and have taken being high as a daily routine
  13. I'm sorry but these threads always lead to heated arguement's and i don't really think they're necessary. Theres also like 10 a week
  14. #34 VocalSelector, Dec 12, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2009
    The best explanation of what a seasoned toker is on GC. Loved your opening statement cause that's the thing most people misunderstand. Also #12 is the most important thing to remember. Over the past year I've grown away from my close smoking friends because of this. One of them being my roommate. He has let it overtake him and doesn't realize it, says it has no effect on him. However, it does. I know this cause I live with him and he has become the most inconsiderate person I know. Which is weird cause over the years smokers have been the most considerate people I have met. Anyways, always remember if all your plans revolve around the herb you need to step back an evaluate yourself. It's an enhancement to your life, it isn't your life.
  15. I have to say that when you first start smoking you realize that you aren't a professional. After being in college and becoming a daily toker and having different pieces and such I realize that I have put myself in the seasoned toker catergory.
    I believe if you are able to have an intellectual conversation, don't think smoking makes you cool, and use it to inhance your life and not take over then you are a seasoned toker.
    If you think that smoking makes you cool, you get high as hell every single night and can't talk about weed intellectually then you should get off the seasoned toker board.
    Don't worry everyone gets there at some point.

    (I'm not saying you can't get really stoned if you are a seasoned toker, I just mean you don't hope to get messed up every night.)
  16. A seasoned toker is someone that doesn't care about all this. They smoke their Bud and enjoy it. They aren't new to smoking, but they've been at it for a while. They also know a lot about Bud. Those are seasoned tokers.
  17. I agree with your list 100% man if some one doesn't meet the majority of those guidelines you put up then they shouldn't be calling them selves "seasoned tokers". Plus rep for making that nice list I enjoyed reading it.
  18. i think you'd not only have to know about the plant, but about how you react to it too. when and where you can and can't toke, to know if you'll still be baked in an hour when you have to do something.

    :smoking: shit like that.
  19. I think if you meet the following criteria you are considered a "Seasoned Toker"

    You have seen everything from straight dirt weed to mind numbing diggity.

    Smoking weed is part of your daily routine, it's no longer a special occasion thing and you don't think twice about waking up and getting blazed.

    People can no longer tell that you are high ( unless they are fellow stoner sometimes haha) either your baked so often people are just used to those squinty pink eyes or your like me and your eyes hardly ever get red anymore.

    You have completed a grow from start to finish.

    You have a peice atleast worth $150 (doesn't apply to all seasoned tokers but newbies consider spending 200 on a bong madness when I call it a great investment lol)

    And finally when you have multiple jars of homegrown dank in your closet and you only smoke the mindrushing sativa in the morning and you save the heavy indica for bedtime you are no doubt a seasoned toker lol.
  20. someone who knows how to actually smoke weed.
    someone who can handle their shit.

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