this is a ranting/ extremely frustrated with this situation about a year ago some tough guys jumped me, at least 5 black kids total got my shit stolen, now granted what got stolen was bought for me by my mother as gifts. here i am about a year later and i get the $700 check in the mail written out to ME with my name on it. now ive known this whole time as she made it obvious that my mother wanted basically all of whatever we got out of the court shit.. at work tonight she txts me asking me what we got in the mail since it had both our names on the envelope. i told her and she responded like a fuckin child. but what im basically asking here is am i wrong for feeling like i deserve something out of all this? i mean its not like they attacked her and stole the shit from her, they were given to me then stolen from me...i just dont get it
If I were you man I'd give the money back to mother dearest (as much as I'd like to keep it) purely and simply because she replaced the shit that you lost. Otherwise shes gone and emptied her wallet for you (she didnt have to do that) and you're getting $700 that aint really yours. Of course before I gave her the money I'd also tell her to apologise for acting like a bloody child.
No you're not wrong for feeling that way. It's a weird situation, if they mailed you whatever was stolen from you I'm sure your mother would give it to you nahmean? But it's not, its 700 bills, so all you can hope for is that she break you off with a little something sumthin'.
I wish that you had explained what happened a little more, it would make an interesting story. So they caught the guys that robbed you? This is a first for me, I've never heard of a mugging victim being compensated - most criminals usually just do the time, and rarely pay the victim back even if the court orders it. Did they go to jail?
i was gonna say ur mom should keep it. then i thought, wait u got ur ass beat u should keep it. im too high to pick . i say you guys split it
OP what did you lose? If you only lost a few hundred dollars worth of stuff and the court gave you some extra, I would pay your mother back + a little extra for being so generous, then keep the rest. If you lost $700 worth of stuff, give the check to your mother.
Take $100 for yourself for your ass beating, and give your mom the rest. Dont be a greedy fuck. Your mom paid for your stuff you lost, she didnt have too! She did it because she loves you. DOnt be an asshole.
Well since they were gifts, they were yours. But come on man. Shes your fucking mother. Give her half or something
It's yours. If the law didn't feel that way, they wouldn't have put your name on it. They only have to put your mother's name on there because she's your guardian/custodian. Now, should you give her some? It's up to you. Don't let people on this forum sway your opinion. Your mom didn't get jumped, you did. Why should she benefit from your altercation? It's your money, OP. You figure it out.
Greed is your opinion. I say he's entitled to his money because he endured the jumping, which is my opinion. Hop off.
Um, yeah. You are wrong. Sorry you were jumped but if you didn't buy the things that were stolen from you yourself, it's your mother's money. Did she not also have to pay for court costs?
To me at first glance it looks like indian giving (sry indians for lack of a better phrase)However i dont know the situation. It depends what got stolen though. I can see if it was 700 $ worth of clothes or somthing and your mom doesnt want you blowing the money on weed or electronics or stuff thats not important to your basic needs. Maybe she wants the money back so she can buy you stuff again. Maybe shes afraid youll blow it. No idea how old you are or what but sorry if im wrong....just a thought...
i agree with whiskey and a lot of other people in this thread on this. i would want the money too, BUT look at it from a different view. take yourself out of your shoes and put yourself into your mothers. she has done a lot more for you than just replacing your stuff. do the right thing broseph and give her the money her a hooker! she may share....