What in the hell did I smoke?! Twenty hours later I'm still feeling it...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Soaring, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. I bought 3gs from my friend a while ago. I split it into two baggies, and last night I was on the second baggie. So I had smoked the first one already.

    I made a bong out of an Aquafina bottle, and taped a metal bowl in a highlighter for the pipe.

    I had smoked a little bit before 12 am, but I was coming down. So at around 12 I smash this bowl. I take hit after hit from my home made bong and start to feel it very soon. I soon realize I am going to be completely fucked.

    I look down at my hands and they are moving away from me, like a camera zooming out. Everything is small. It's like I'm having an out of body experience almost, I feel like I'm above my head. I sneak back into my window and things take a turn for the worst. This is the worst high I have every experienced. I was incapacitated on my floor for like 20 minutes. I had almost no control of my body. I was just rolling around on the floor. Different flavors assaulted my taste buds, and every inch of my body felt a different temperature than the inch next to it. I thought my memory had been deleted. I looked at my room and my life like I was an outsider. Everything seemed brand new and fresh, like it was another person's life.

    When I reached my peak, I literally thought I was going to die. I could barely control my body, and my thoughts and ideas were literally like a kaleidoscope. I had no idea what was happening. This was unlike anything I have ever experienced. And to explain it sufficiently would be impossible. Just know that it was majorly fucked up. I somehow found my way into bed before really flipping out.

    I wake up in the morning feeling alright, but when I left for school I realized I was still high. I actually started off low and slowly came up to a peak at around 2pm. I was roasted the whole day. It was insane. It is now 8pm and I can still feel the affects. I have just one question...what in the hell did I smoke?
  2. dont smoke melted plastic
  3. It was a bowl inside the end of a highlighter. An actual metal bowl. The flame never got close to the plastic.
  4. Shiittt you got some awesome weed!!! usually when i smoke some good shit right before bed or at midnight i feel it in the morning... so just incase i dont wake n bake im still feeling all happy haha.
  5. Weed mixed with pocket lint that looks like weed
  6. Angel Dust homes
  7. dimethyltripromine mixed with an maoi inhibitor

  8. if you were taking "hit after hit" the metal bowl probably got hot, heating the plastic. just because the plastic didnt melt doesnt mean something wasnt released by the heat.
  9. Yeah don't do that again, plus the flame gets sucked down to the herb and you know that it's not only hot right on a flame, it's hot around it.

  10. Close, but so far away, dimethyltryptamine, and MAOI stands for monoamine oxidase inhibitor.........

    and this guy did not get an ayahuasca smoking blend, I know that for a fact
  11. i don't know. buy a piece
  12. I would say your a newbie. Got some strong weed, and smoked a lot of it in your bong. You just got really high and made yourself over think it. That is my guess anyway..
  13. lol it was a joke. no kidding he didnt smoke dmt. even with an maoi it wouldnt last for 20 hours.

    and must we really nit pic with the spelling?
  14. I'm envious.

    Even though what you are describing doesn't sound too fun, once I was on the other side of that experience I'd be glad that I'd seen that shit through. Part of the fun with drugs is getting too high and seeing how you deal with it.
  15. dude, i never understand people who can feel like this from bud. I mean, I used to... but not THAT intense. The second drug I tried was Lucy, after my first being weed. Peope need to establish more stable states of mind..
  16. People always say you need to be in a good environment and have a good state of mind before you smoke or do drugs. I definitely did. There was almost no way of getting caught, I in my own room, and it was just a chill environment. I had nothing to be paranoid or afraid of. But as soon as I got back in my window...shit just went crazy.

    I'm almost afraid to smoke again. It was just too fucked up to want to do again. However, it was quite the experience, so I don't regret doing it at all. Haha. I have some pipes, but I just wanted to smoke with a bong to try it out. Definitely not using the highlighter again, even if it wasn't the culprit.
  17. Stay high brotha

  18. Haha, you beat me to it.

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqJyNw8tGE0]YouTube - That's What You Had[/ame]

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