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what I'm about to eat (pic)

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by holyjoe, May 14, 2011.

  1. #1 holyjoe, May 14, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2011
    this GOLDEN GANJA BAR looks so delicious i just had to share a pic with you guys before i devour it. couldn't pass it up for only $5 at the dispensary :wave:

  2. oh my god looks sooo tasty
  3. wtf is "100mg thc" supposed to be. Does your dispensary have a huge lab or something? Seems like bs, but I hope you get high.
  4. Hell yeah! That looks really good. Enjoy your flight.
  5. #5 TokeitNbakeit, May 14, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2011
    .1 Gram. THC.
  6. Does it taste good? So far the majority of the edibles I get from dispensaries definitely work but taste too much like hemp for me. I did get an "Incredible" lemon cake that tasted amazing and got me pretty baked haha.
  7. holy shit i want to eat the screen :eek: :smoke:
  8. HOLY FUCK! that looks amazing, ganja or not.

  9. this is like .1 grams haha not 1 grams btw.
    but then again, it says thc, not bud, so it could fuck you up hardcore
    will never know..
  10. that thing was tasty as fuck! it did have a kinda herby tang to it but it went well with the sweetness! it gave me an intense body high for about 5 hours after which time i passed out from being so stoned. needless to say i'll be buying more of these in the future :yummy:
  11. Dude.. is that like.. a s'mores bar with chocolate and peanut butter on top?

    THC or not, I want one right now! :eek:
  12. awesome looking stuff. i thought most dispensary edibles like cheeba chews/etc were around 25-50mg, so you might have even been able to make that bar last multiple times. although it was probably too delicious to save :)

    sounds like a real good price too
  13. yeah! that's exactly what it is. there's another layer of chocolate on the bottom as well.

    i microwaved it for about 20 seconds before i ate it. this way the chocolate and peanut butter were just warm enough to melt in my mouth the moment i took a bite. i think i gave my mouth an orgasm :hello:
  14. I almost licked the screen, damn dust.

  15. at first my plan was to eat only half and save the rest for later...a 50mg dose of THC is a good amount. the quad dose cheeba chew has 80mg and eating an entire one of those pretty much incapacitates me.

    but after i took that first bite, all bets were off. it was the best tasting edible i've ever had. and it was the first thing i had eaten yesterday, so it hit me fast! thankfully this one had more sativa characteristics so i wasn't completely zombified. i was a high mofo though
  16. I started wanking over this screen? Wtf!
  17. Looks like one hell of a treat for $5.
  18. Remember this is THC, not actual bud. Figure that the dankest of the dank dankity dank bud is still only like 20-25% THC, a 1:4 ratio. So this is roughly equivalent to .4 grams of dank. Bear in mind that it might hit you harder because its in edible form, not being smoked.

    TLTR: You're gonna be fucked in the best way possible if you eat it all.
  19. Hooray for high mofos!
  20. I hate you so much right now:(:(:mad::mad:

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