What if all leaders and people in powerful positions around the world were all forced to smoke a joint right this instant. The common people demanded it be done. How dramatically do you think the world would change, and how? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
hmm..it would cause drastic movements in the markets for stocks in Cheetos and Slurpee machines...could cripple the economy
because everyone would just chill the fuck out for a bit and realize that we've been focusing on the wrong things as a civilization Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I disagree. Nothing would change. They'd just go to sleep, wake up the next day wondering what the hell was that? No matter how much anyone thinks otherwise, these guys are responsible adults. Smoking weed one time wont change their entire perspective on how the world turns. They're not 14 year olds smoking pot for the first time.
I think you would have half of them giving themselves a panic attack because they might actually believe they're own bullshit. Then you would have them starting a new level of war on cannabis. The other half hopefully would have they're eyes opened and try to do something about it
for some, the assumption is that pot magically changes self centered greedy violent perverted liars into peaceful caring happy hippies....it doesn't, hippies are that way without the pot.