What if you had to pass a test to procreate?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by JoeShmoaa, May 1, 2013.

  1. #1 JoeShmoaa, May 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2013
    I always try my hardest not to judge people and to try and stay positive. I, like many of us, deal with very "unintelligent" people on a daily basis. I can't think of anyone to blame for their actions other than their parents and how they were raised.

    I know it seems like there could be other factors. Like environment or peers. But I notice a lot of people that just shouldn't have kids. I feel like teen mom shouldnt be a show and I feel like when I see people, like a specific acquaintance from my high school, with kids already, I'm utterly sorry for their poor child.

    Don't get me wrong, MANY people have been raised terribly or abused or not raised at all (orphans) and have had successful lives. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it builds character.

    So what if you had to pass a test, that shows you were capable of raising a child before you could have him or her?

    A little about me if it helps,
    I'm pro-choice (proudly) and plan on adopting, maybe more than once.

    This is my first thread so be gentle. :)
  2. No more laws no more rules.

    Let people live dude.

    Tests to allow people to procreate? That's absurd.

    Hey let's have tests for voting too! O wait....

    If you want to get rid of stupid people you need to get rid of the people making them stupid.

    You have to abolish authority
  3. Like anarchism?
  4. What is intelligent though? Think about all the geniuses who fail socially and vice versa.

    There shouldn't really be set limits on nature but people should set their own personal limits.
  5. #5 JoeShmoaa, May 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2013
    I totally agree with you, but I don't think people will. I'm not trying to push a strong government. Just spark a debate to here points.
  6. What would be the method? You have a direction action stated, but how would you enact this idea?

    What if someone got pregnant and they hadn't passed the test? People are pretty well known to have sex without the Government being involved...

    Are you going to force abortions on those people? Not a kind of image I like to imagine to be honest. Or if people get to a certain age, they take the test and if they don't pass they're made sterile? I don't like that one very much either.

    It's a nice idea on paper, but Hitler thought his idea was pretty good too. I guess it's one of those 'The end justifies the means' debates.
  7. you'd be taking away someone's natural given right to conceive
  8. Yes anarchy is the only moral way to run.society
  9. Over population scares me. And I have no problem with abortion.

    But no not made sterile. You just get to take the test another time.
  10. I hope some politician tries it maybe then the sheeple will wake up and we can have a French Revolution.
  11. The free market is the best form of population control.

    If you can't afford to have a baby don't. If you do it starves and your a bad parrent.

    Government wellfare programs promote overpopulation.

    Did you know a single mother can become a baby factory and live for free on money the government stole from you for the good cause of feeding children?
  12. Hell yea I know that. Welfare is fucking thievery.
  13. Hitler called, he wants his eugenics plan back.

    But in all seriousness this is this stupidest thing I've ever heard, this country is fucked as it is, we don't need anymore bureaucratic bullshit.
  14. I would support mandatory testing of government employees. If you score too high, you're not allowed to waste your career in the public sector.

  15. Kinda like if you score too high on the standardized tests to become a cop they don't let you in because you might think for yourself? :p

  16. Yeah but I have this awesome education with no jobs in the private sector! This defense industry interview just offered me a great career and paychecks!
  17. All standardized testing is culturally biased and has a disparate impact on certain demographics within our population. You might as well be asking people to take responsibility for themselves and pay their own food/rent/medical bills. Could you imagine the riots if you cut off that gravy train? Same thing.

    Just try giving pre-employment tests for the NYFD, or asking welfare recipients to take drug tests, or asking for ID at the polls. Putting a standard on anything will eventually have a disparate impact on some segment of our population, and that's grounds for a lawsuit.

    We carry our collective burden whether we like it or not. Just look at this one... the system failed her kids. She demands that somebody take responsibility for their living conditions (somebody other than her, of course). This kind of mentality is common in low-income neighborhoods.
    I Got 15 Kids & 3 Babydaddys-SOMEONE'S GOTTA PAY FOR ME & MY KIDS!!! - YouTube
  18. What sequester?

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