like we know a lot of rappers smoke weed it'd be awesome if lil wayne post on gc but disguised as a regular person? is anyone here like openly famous?
I doubt many celebrities have time or are interested in posting on an open forum like this, however there are definitely exceptions. I love the Joe Rogan Experience, to the poster above me. I sometimes play it while I'm driving to work.
he would be commentating the whole time "listen bro you see how i have your left armed trapped with my knee. im about to put you in a omaplata"
really you think celebrities are too busy to use the internet? who updates lebron james's twitter then?
lol idk i dont really keep up with celebrities although i heard j-biebz is smoking on that good shit maybe he signed up for a grasscity account too maybe he is me
Habaha yeah i know for a fact that joe rogan is on here. Ive talked to him and he admitted it. I cant tell you his username. You just gotta hope he reads this.
what if i make a thread and its all like "joe rogan is a pussy ***** bitch faggot" the person that defends him is probably himself
Not my point, in fact you missed it entirely. A social networking tool as unique and widely used as Twitter is by the mass population including a large amount of celebrities makes sense. It's a communication tool, bringing fans, associated individuals, and friends together via a single website. It is also recognized by most which would draw more attention. In no way, shape, or form do I believe they are "too busy for the internet". You misinterpreted what I was saying. I do however, am sticking to the idea that there probably aren't too many famous celebrities, who smoke or don't smoke, that hop on too often. It's a forum filled with people who enjoy one thing, weed. You can be anyone on here, including a celebrity.
100% fact One of the first times Kevin Smith smoked as an adult was with Seth Rogen on the set of Zach & Miri Make A Porno (kind of what made him start again) and he tells a lot of stories about it in his stand up comedy. Go successful stoners goooo~