What if the legalization movement is really...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by MatBGood, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. #1 MatBGood, Dec 5, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2013
    Just playing a bit of the devil's advocate. Like all members of this site, I assume, I am a huge supporter of decriminalizing weed (and all other plant life for that matter) and letting each individual decide for themselves. However I can't stop wondering something. I don't want to 'noid' anybody out, but I think it's a pretty interesting thought.
    Why is legalization suddenly so popular amongst politicians these days? Sure, there are a lot of idiot politicians who only know the stigma of pot from their parents or hyper-conservative peers, but there are a lot of them that I am sure are just say they are against pot to save face and appease constituents, and when it finally does become legal, they will just switch their opinions on the matter like the rest of their respective party members.

    I see posts on here stating that the media is against it, that the government is against it, but that's not the way it really feels to me. Maybe it's because I live in Portland, I don't know.

    Here's my big conspiracy theory; I think that they are really just easing the US into legalization. Why? Because pot can make people lazy, especially newbies. Maybe they think it will make us more complacent, shorten our attention span and our memory of history even more. I already feel like they've succeeded in convincing our youth that their vote doesn't matter, and the rest of us that protesting doesn't work or that dissent somehow makes you less of a patriot.
    One study I recently read suggests that pot reduces the brains emotional reaction to bad news, and we all know anger is a key motivator in getting people to vote.
    Just a thought. I'd be interested in hearing yours.
  2. I thought that's why they haven't legalized it yet. Because they don't want youths minds opened to see what the world really is.
  3. #3 loopster, Dec 5, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2013
    I think you might need to recheck your theory turn it around so as people who smokeThink and people who think ask questions and demand answersAnd they didn't convince anyone of anything. They passed the protesting on federal land illegal a minute ago when something big was in the news I can remember if it was before or after sandy hook
  4. Legalization is popular among politicians? Which ones?
    I am not aware of any major politician in favor of legalization. 

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