What if our afterlife was composed of whatever we wanted it to be?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by maryyclaree, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. Nice thread. I am very open to the possibilities of reincarnation or heaven or hell.
    I do not conform to one religion honestly but I am spiritual. I am not one to pretend that I know anything about this subject since not only myself but the whole human race is not very smart.
    I believe there is a "God" of some sort yes but I don't know if he's a Jesus looking guy or a floating rock in the universe somewhere.

    I just find religion as a turn off because it's hard to see myself following all of the hypocrites that are associated with them.

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  2. Sometimes I imagine that in death we all have our own realms that we live in. You can visit friends and family that you had in the real life by crossing over into their realm/world. Each individual person having their own world tuned to being the most ideal place for them. Some worlds can be peaceful hammocks by the beach sipping on a pina colada, while others might be the complete opposite. Like a murder infested world for criminals to enjoy. Everyone would be happy. Obviously you wouldn't want to go into the murder realm/world, but to each their own Just an idea I had as a kid to make me happy.
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  3. I hope there is no consciousness after death. I'm tired of all this "thinking"
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  4. Maybe you become one with the Infinite, where there is no thinking, just all knowing.
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  5. That's probably why before religions came around most of the ancient civilizations celebrated after a death instead of the opposite we do today.

  6. I imagine one would die then walk up a stairway to heavens gates, be judged and then either let in to live a life of eternal bliss or be damned to hell for eternity.

    JK I want my afterlife to be carried out in a giant palace of friends/family overlooking a cliff with a path to the beach, unlimited supply of various drugs namely psychedelics and weed and the ability to do whatever I wanted
  7. it is....its like common sense and basic theology
  8. Common sense and theologic belief systems are most certainly not congruent....
  9. Afterlife lol its sn illusion, its even called AFTER LIFE, my bidy snd soul will become nothing one day, but thst doesnt mesn im not eternal: time is oroborous, its all similtaneous, how do I know that I havent been alive forever and everytime I die I adapt the memories snd thoughts of myself from another demension, or someone else for that matter? there is no 'life after death', sure itd be nice to never die... If youre greedy. "I wanna go to heaven" "I wanna live on an alien planet". Take. A. Look. Around. What are you? What is consciousness? What even is color? Can you describe it to a blind person? ARE WE EVEN ALIVE AT ALL?
  10. My current belief is that the afterlife is composed of all of the souls who have found happiness/enlightment/God while still on Earth and that we can all freely interact with each other and do whatever we like best. Construct worlds, make up jokes, toss around ideas, love, whatever occurs to us. Hell, on the other hand, is this Earth when you haven't found happiness/enlightenment/God. It's not as bad as envisioned in the Bible, but as I currently believe that those who are in Hell will be reincarnated and thus return to Hell so that they can have another chance to find happiness, etc., that Hell is equally eternal as Heaven. It just isn't quite what popular culture leads us to expect.
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  11. The afterlife could be any possibility. Currently what the rest of this thread has talked about is about concepts that relate to God. Even if you believe in God, think about at least the smallest possibility that he might not exist and the heaven and hell are just concepts related to the real world. The universe is infinite or is in a state of never-ending growth. There could be a countless amount of world and realities that exist in this Universe and even if this Universe is not infinite then there could still be a containment that holds this Universe that could be infinite. To summarise, 'infinite' means 'infinite' so no matter how many possibilities you can think of there still would be much more. So whatever afterlife you could think of, all of them are possible. When you think of the idea of reincarnation then don't seclude yourself to this planet or even just this reality. You could get reincarnated in a reality where fantasy could be limitless or where despair is neverending and that would be your Heaven or Hell.
  12. A house by a great big field of Cannabis plants.
    Friendly weedhead neighbors would be nice too.
  13. hell on earth is suffering and heaven, a conglomerate of coalescing pleasures.
  14. I'll be riding a majestic yet fierce lookong unicorn bashing people on head with my sword

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