Well if i was president of the usa theres many things i would do. First rally the people by my side which wouldnt be too hard. hold re-elections for congress and the senate (you know start fresh get croneyism and corruption OUT) knock the DEA down alot if not totally disband them and divert ALL of there funding to individal states, disband the Fbi, divret all of there funding to individual states. Keep the Cia around but expose all of there acts to the public, even if it means "national security threat" the people have RIGHT too know what there goverment has been doing after all the goverment is suppose to belong to the people. id compeletly rebuild our educational process from the ground up, have the Fda reveiw all the approved drugs much more thoughly( if you havnt noticed the commericals have a huge list of side affects that they run threw too fast). have every illegal drug studied un biasly and find there good points and bad points. id give EACH state the choice to make what laws it feels nessecary and they have to copperate to help each other out. to make everything function. sorry its all kidna long and i havnt smoked in almost 2 weeks! and my thoughts are too jumbled it blows! i cant relax and sort out my thoughts.
and the outcome would be.................. ...............Civil War 2: Revenge of the South catchy movie title
I'd get rid of the DEA. I'd legalize the use of drugs for medicinal and recreational use. I'd smoke pot. I'd paint the White House black.
ok rasta maybe not dis ban them but definatly clean them up, but what im really trying to get at is each state should be able to decided what it wants not entierly on a federal level but if there were no federal laws wouldnt every state have to work together to get everything too work? i tink it would bring everything together much better i dunno im telling you havnt smoked in 2 weeks and its really hard to sort out my thoughts.