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What I had for dinner...ideas for munchies taken to the next level.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CaptainCupcake, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. It's long, but you won't regret reading it.

    *Brown Butter Hazelnut Rum Cake* : Freshly ground hazelnuts, some heated spiced rum simmered with browned butter, pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice, topped with home made rich, dark chocolate ganache sauce.

    *Mashed Garlic potatoes with Brown Sugar Gravy* : I took the drippings from the pork and made a smooth spiced gravy with brown sugar and tiny bits of dried salted ham.

    *Cranberry apple stuffed pork tenderloin* : I soaked homemade baguette croutons in chicken stock and white wine and stuff that with a brown sugar cranberry, apple, and leek mixture in a pork loin I've been marinating in merlot and herbs (sage, basil, and mint) for hours in the fridge. This makes it so damn juicy and tender.

    *Roasted red pepper soup* : Broiled in an oven and roasted with garlic, a splash of heavy cream or milk, sweet stewed tomatoes, cilantro. Simmered on the stove until the smell of Italian stewed tomatoes and roasted peppers and herbs intoxicate your high senses to the point of scarcely standing it. A dollop of sour cream on the top. Holy fuck. The hotness of the soup clashes with the coolness of the cream and it becomes silk as it melts on your tongue and slips down your throat like velvet.

    *Buttered Mushrooms* : If you're like me, you like mushrooms that are fully cooked. I bought baby mushrooms and braised them in white savignon and a stick of sweet cream butter that browns to taste sweet and nutty in the oven on broil.

    My idea is to have a night where I invite some peeps from this site in my area to my place and we smoke each other out and indulge in delicious food prepared by moi.
    I don't really know anyone in my area who smokes, I have zero connections. Smoke me out (I don't require much at all.), maybe I'll even buy from you, and you get the meal of your life and stimulating company. Win win?

  2. I would love that idea. I am actually a classically trained chef!!!...even taught in France.....i a, always down for a feast :) Should I bring a pan or two? knives, cutting board,,,,fire?? Fresh herbs? :)
  3. are you in WA?! :D
  4. i am in mill creek....close to seattle. You?
  5. did i lose you?

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