What I got for my Bday !!!

Discussion in 'General' started by Cali Smokes, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Today Im feeling pretty good ! I got 200 dollars In cash from my parents, A new ROOR from my bestfriend, A BOX OF SWISHERS from my friend, A free O from my dealer and for the amazing part, my friends dad owns a hookah bar so today me and 12 other friends are going to hotbox sesha and some herb for free and no worries :hello::hello::hello:.

    Have a great day GC hope yours is going to be as good as mines !!:wave:
  2. Happy b-day dude!

    you scored some nice loots!! :hello:
  3. Damn, your best friend bought you a RooR?

    Guess my friends aren't as good as I thought. ;)
  4. Happy birthday and be sure to enjoy your good fortune.
  5. yeah no shit.. my friends came over and smoked my weed for my b-day =/
  6. happy b-day and have fun with ur new RooR:hello:
  7. im jealous. happy birthday man. enjoi it. for my bday, my gf rented like half of Friday's and invited all of my friends. all i got was money and after fridays we all got really retarded haha.
  8. Wow dude you got some really cool shit. A new bong? And a free oz?? Dammmnn, nice dude. Jan. 15 is a good day for birthdays. :)
  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :hello:

    I hope you know we all envy you right now lol
    enjoy your gifts and be sure to smoke the shit out of the pretty bong you scored.

    P.S i wish i had a dealer like yours, and im totally jealous of the hooka bar you get to hit up. havent been to one in a couple years

  10. haha, same here
    then proceeded to eat all the good food in my house.

  11. Haha I was thinking the same thing. My friends never get me shit lmfao
  12. God damn I'm so jealous I don't even know what to say, really. Happy Birthday :wave::hello:
  13. I, like everyone else in this thread, am very jealous.

    My friends never give me anything for my birthday, let alone any of my dealers :(.

    Regardless, enjoy, because it sounds like you have some damn good friends/associates. :smoking:
  14. 2 days late but happy birthday Brosef Stalin.

  15. Dude, same.

    And WTF you have a nice ass dealer dude... giving you a free O for your bday... WTF???
  16. Happy Birthday you lucky lucky man, have fun with all that:p

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