Today Im feeling pretty good ! I got 200 dollars In cash from my parents, A new ROOR from my bestfriend, A BOX OF SWISHERS from my friend, A free O from my dealer and for the amazing part, my friends dad owns a hookah bar so today me and 12 other friends are going to hotbox sesha and some herb for free and no worries . Have a great day GC hope yours is going to be as good as mines !!
im jealous. happy birthday man. enjoi it. for my bday, my gf rented like half of Friday's and invited all of my friends. all i got was money and after fridays we all got really retarded haha.
Wow dude you got some really cool shit. A new bong? And a free oz?? Dammmnn, nice dude. Jan. 15 is a good day for birthdays.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you know we all envy you right now lol enjoy your gifts and be sure to smoke the shit out of the pretty bong you scored. P.S i wish i had a dealer like yours, and im totally jealous of the hooka bar you get to hit up. havent been to one in a couple years
I, like everyone else in this thread, am very jealous. My friends never give me anything for my birthday, let alone any of my dealers . Regardless, enjoy, because it sounds like you have some damn good friends/associates.