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What have you sacrificed for bud?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by StayBlazin, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. It seems like I have spent alot of money over the past year on pot. It consumes alot of my time and make my relationship with my mom a little strained but I still love It. Is there anything that you guys have given up for the gift of pot?
  2. You really shouldn't let it cause you to sacrifice anything(especially your relationship with your mom) .... It should be used to enhance everything in your life. That's why I haven't smoked since Christmas Eve.
  3. money

  4. 2 unopened Dart boards and a lot of money.
  5. a small Peruvian child I had working for me.
    sweet gram though :smoke:

  6. Haha amen.
  7. Nothing. Weed is not a priority to me so i would not sacrifice things for it.
  8. if you smoke in moderation, it shouldn't cost you that much money. 2.5gs or so lasts me a month usually, of smoking everyday (occasional day i dont). But even for people who smoke an ounce a month, it's not THAT bad. Save up your change and in the end of the month you have enough money to buy your pot (unless you smoke a shit ton :D)
  9. :hello:
  10. my dignity...

    aka money
  11. My $80 ipod for $10 worth.... yea Stupid I know, but I never really did use it.
  12. I sold my soul to the Devil to get my fix.
  13. I woulda waited and sold the ipod for at least $60 and bought like a quarter :)
  14. #14 sonofchess, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    1. Money
    2. Time
    3. Friends
    4. Jobs
    5. Blown off classes
    6. Bills/ various financial Responsibilities
    7. Family(last but not least)

    I could go on..
    Its my own damned fault though. I just liked to get high to the exclusion of my daily life for a long time... Sometimes pot and a selfish mindset don't mesh very well lessons learned in life... Now I'm good though!
  15. I agree with the first answer, it shouldn't be affecting anything.
  16. money i should be saving up.
  17. Hundreds and hundreds of dollas.
  18. money andddddddddd actually thats it. lol damn prices, FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-

    :bongin: (we need a bubbler one of those)
  19. Im suprised by some of these answers haha.
  20. #20 sonofchess, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    Something else to think about an 8th a week per year is $45x50 or *$2,250 and thats enough for a decent used car. so over 6 years of smoking roughly that amount i have smoked over $15,000 in cash.

    Not to derail the thread topic, but fuck that is a large sum for a young man.

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