What has your parents relationship taught you?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by jellefish, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. My grandma raised me by herself. My parents relationship taught me that people = shit.

  2. My parents relationship has taught me that when you find a person who you really love, don't let them go.
    BUT , sadly, players get chose. My mom hates that. She tells me I need to stop bring home ransoms and finally get tied down, but seriously? Tied down? Nahhhhhhh ya boy like the women too much and vice versa. Until I find a gal that'll change my ways, I'll keep going.

    Sent while I was blazed.
  3. To never get married
  4. that a woman will sabotage her own son's confidence and sexuality in the future to ensure he doesnt end up like his father :(
  5. Never let your woman get out of line and walk over you. Put her in her place.
  6. #106 frr, May 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2014
    Never get divorced. Just work things out. People are more important then money.
  7. Dysfunctional families seem to be more the rule than the exception, unfortunately. Of course, nobody is perfect, and the same can be said of families, but many seem to be far, far from it. Nuclear families and otherwise.
    I'm sorry about your dad. My youngest brother is ten, our dad is 62, and has lived a reckless and unhealthy lifestyle for essentially his whole life. Terrible as it sounds to say it, I highly doubt he'll see my brother turn eighteen :( kid has nieces and nephews older than he is!
  8. True love is a powerful thing that even hate and anger combined can't break.  Oh and divorce doesn't mean the emotional bond is broken, just the official and physical aspect of it.  And my parents aren't divorced.
  9. To me it kinda seems like the only thing (non physical) my parents have in common is religion cause they never spend a lot of time doing stuff together. They only seemed to do things all as a family. I saw the love between them but it just seemed that they never spend time doing things they both enjoy. More like one has to beg the other to go to this place or watch this movie. I learned that I wanna have a lot of things in common with who I marry. Kinda sounds obvious though.
  10. Don't have children and don't marry a bitch.
  11. Haha this

    Because of my mom, I'm very unattracted/turned off by Asian women.

    Also I think due to my parents treating my like crap when I was a kid and never told me "good job"/"I'm proud" etc, now I seek out milfs and enjoy fucking them. I think that has something to so with it.

    I have trouble maintaining relationships. Everything I've ever had has been very short term, but great at long term FWB situations.

  12. My parents couldn't teach me how to be married, but they showed me a fantastic example of how to be divorced when you have a kid.  They were the best pair of divorced co-parents I've ever known.  I was in my 30s before I ever heard my dad say anything even the slightest bit negative about my mom, and my mom was always equally gracious about him.  They kept the lines of communication totally open, so I could never pit one against the other, and they always presented a united front.  They were sensitive to my needs with regards to joint custody, and how that worked out.  They (appeared to me) to be respectful of each others' spouses.  I had one happy family, just in two houses.
    My ex-husband and I chose to model our divorce after theirs.  I'm a little more hot-tempered than my mom, and he's a little less open-minded than my dad, but we're mostly succeeding at The Good Divorce.
  13. Team work is key in raising a child. Otherwise you get a cocky asshole who is pretty good at getting himself out of trouble. Thankfully i realized that when i was young, and have been able to control myself into not be a complete dick.

    I think we all have that special whore somewhere in our lives.
    Please tell me that's a typo or autocorrect?
  15. it's my sig, not about my parents lol

    I think we all have that special whore somewhere in our lives.
    That's only slightly less bad, but okay.
  17. Heres one I shoulda said earlier.........
    Dont be an alcoholic if your trying to raise a family!
  18. That it's okay to divorce your spouse.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  19. Communication. Open-mindedness. Compassion. Equality. Respect. Honesty. Trust. Individual Happiness.

    My parents have none of these characteristics.

    I try everyday to become something they are not.

    Sent from my iPhone
    I think a big part of why my dad was such a good dad is that whenever he was unsure, he'd ask himself, "what would my mother have done/said?" and then did the opposite.

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