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What has weed helped you realize?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Mixrollsmoke, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. #1 Mixrollsmoke, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2011
    Weed helped me realize that alchohol is the devils work. Alchohol is poison for you body, you feel like shit the next day after drinking! Drinking changes your perception of right/wrong. People tend to don't give a fuck about driving drunk and so forth because of the effect alchohol has.

    I've realized that smokin' some herb when i would normally be drinkin' makes me a better person.

    Stay stoned fellow tokers! :smoke:

  2. That the government is corrupt, and that i need to move to Canada.

  3. :hello:

  4. Interesting - why is the government corrupt?
  5. to chill out and let things happen as they happen.

  6. Exactly!! :smoke:
  7. That Australia is a pretty great place.
    That family is the most important thing in life
    That love is real
    That being high is a pretty great aspiration
    That music is like blood for the soul
    and some other cool shit:smoke:
  8. Nice things Holdzy
    I totally agree!
  9. some people take life too seriously, everybody should just chill the fuck out AND HAVE FUN
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Weed has helped me realize that I am easily addicted and form habits to suppress memories. Without my use of weed I would not have realized that I have shadows and probably would still be living in an ego that I created based on a nihilistic need to live fast and die young. Without weed I would not be the person(a) that I am today.

  11. Nature is fukcing awesome and yea the govt is fucked up.

  12. Good for you brah.. I'm sure that it has helped many like you!
  13. I have realised that the world moves on if you like it or not. You can't just wait for something to come by and magically fix every problem you have. You have to do it yourself! Your life and your future depends on your actions and descisions of today. It's your life and only you can make the choice to be a happy person or a depressed drone going through life like the millions that lived before us.
  14. Marijuana helps greatly with colitis....
    It's good to be able to look at situations and things taking place in your life in a different perspective...
    I tend to prioritise things better when I'm high, it helps me realize what really is important.
  15. *If you don't want to read all of this, just skip to my second to last little remark. It sums everything up.*

    Marijuana was my gateway into realizations revolving around the fact that not everything I was brought up to believe is necessarily true and that there is an alarming amount of uneducated (regarding marijuana and other "mind-opening" drugs) and just plain foolish people in our country, and the world for that matter. It's sad how many intelligent people can be so ignorant and blinded by silly "Above the Influence" ads and other things of that sort.

    Most importantly though, it has shaped my lifestyle and my identity. Life is a privilege and a joy-why waste it being angry and stressed out for most of your day. If everyone would just take a step back, check themselves, and realize that it (whatever it is) is really no big deal, *cliche alert* the world would be a better place.

    Just chill and go with the flow. Whatever has happened, has already happened. Move on. Life keeps going, and you should too.

    Just...Let it Be. (My friend Lucy especially taught me that last bit;))

    I really didn't plan on rambling like that. My apologies. I just really got going. Probs because I'm super baked.:smoke:
  16. :hello:

  17. Why isint it?

  18. Im from denmark - my opinions about the us government i based upon statements from americans i know - that is why i ask..

  19. That I never want to run out of dank...If it aint dank it aint me! :cool:
  20. Unifies the mind. I can look at what "is" rather than what there was or will be. Helps me live in the moment and keep my depression chained up.

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