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what happens to you when you smoke too much?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by canofthebis, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. I mean, i smoke to get high, but sometimes i smoke that bit too much,

    i did this yesterday

    i could feel myself losing the power in my legs as i stumbled inside, my face was a bit prickly and i just wanted to hit the bed, i then slept with the tv on full volume till 2am, woke up and automatically started eating like i usually do straight after i get in, then i went back to sleep and started laughing about it in the morning

  2. Congrats on your first greenout :hello:

    Smoke to much, fall asleep, wakeup an hour or two later, eat some cereal then pass back out for hours, it's happened to all of us :smoke:
  3. Thats pretty much been the past 3 days for me. I got my new bong in earlier this week, then the snowstorm, it gave me a little time to do some bonding. :smoke:
  4. Shit sometimes I smoke myself sober.
  5. I green out atleast twice a week at this point. I smoke ALOT.
  6. yeahh, the first time i smoked too much i just got really tired and it was like the middle of the day. passed out, ate a sandwhich, passed out again, and repeated. :smoke:

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