What happens at the end of the universe?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by happy tree, Mar 12, 2010.

  1. Say it was possible to travel to the very edge of the universe. What would be there? Nothingness?

    Are there any scientific theories?

    I know nothing...
  2. You would be there... pushing the edge of the Universe.

    Let's say the Universe is expanding into nothingness. How could there be an end to that nothingness?

    Seeing as how the Universe is nothingness, how could you not be at the end of the Universe?
  3. Are you saying that the universe is constantly growing forever? :confused:

    Hah I'm really uneducated on this..

    So the universe never really ends, then?
  4. one thing i dont get, if the universe is constantly expanding, where is it expanding to?
  5. Nothing.

    Nothing happens at the end of the universe. It's just there, doing absolutely nothing.
  6. #6 beefybud, Mar 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2010
    simply nothing i think. but here's the difficult part, we as humans can NEVER really say "nothing" and have a clear picture of what it is like...i mean how can we describe something that we have never experienced. humans have no concept of nothingness because we haven't ever experienced it, so it's really impossible to envision what it might be like.....who really knows what nothingness is
  7. It is expanding at the speed of light or even greater than that possibly. Think of it this way.....for something to exist (to a human) we have to see it. We see with our eyes. Our eyes pick up "LIGHT" that is reflecting off this object. In order for us to see anything there, there must be light, so that means that we must travel to that location faster than the speed of light....and we must catch up with how far it has traveled over billions upon billions of years at a speed that would be much faster than the speed of light.
  8. Nobody really knows what that nothing is, but the word 'nothing' best describes it.
  9. THIS just gave me an idea.

    What happens if we send a blind man on a mission to outer space? Will the blind man outfly a guy with 20/20 vision coz the blind man is not bound by the speed of light coz he can't see light anyway... so may be he can travel at sub-sight speed...
  10. #10 beefybud, Mar 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2010
    sorry man but no.....just no. just because you can't sense something doesn't mean that universal physical laws aren't still at work.i'm sorry but this statement is just really silly. lol
  11. I know... it's really silly...
  12. well if there is "nothingness" that we are expanding towards, how far does this nothingness go?
  13. As far as it can.
  14. so what happens when the universe reaches as far as nothingness can go?
  15. what about blind people?
  16. thats just something that we can't comprehend...nothingness takes up no dimension or room. i mean you can't measure nothingness in distance because there is "nothing" to measure. humans just can't grasp what nothing is because it is impossible to experience
  17. Because the universe is everything, and it is expanding, then it would be expanding into more universe.....which makes sense because it isnt "really" expanding, it is just drifting galaxies further apart. And us as humans, do not have the ability to observe what may be outside the universe, because we cant travel faster than light.
  18. im pretty sure one day someone will figure this out. hopefully in my lifetime because that is something i have always wanted to know since i was a wee lad
  19. nothingness isn't simply determined by sight and our other senses....even a blind man experiences things, nothingness means no atoms, light, or particles of ANY kind...NOTHING!!!! sure we can close our eyes and see "nothing" but this isn't the same "nothing" we are talking about in a physics viewpoint

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