What happens at night?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by SmokinBluntsTX, Apr 26, 2010.

  1. Does moonlight help the plant grow during the night?
    I was just wondering, i didn't think the moon had the same rays as the sun does.
    If not what do MJ plants do during the night?

    Do they still grow enough to notice the next day
    or does that happen from morning to evening.
  2. na they grow while they sleep too... no moonlight needed...
  3. the moons rays are reflected sunlight.
  4. Your plant sleeps at night, just like any other species, it will still grow, but it uses the energy stored during the day, or whenever your lights are on. The moon has no rays, last time i checked it isn't a star :rolleyes:
  5. ya they grow at night. plants typically create a lot more hormones for themselves at night(as relative to when lights are on) from the energy its collected through out the day.

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