What Happens After Death?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Crony, Oct 19, 2016.

  1. This was brought up during one of my Philosophy lectures the other day. I decided to bring the discussion in here with you guys to hear what you think. Anyways, lets get to it.

    Death- Although it's a sensitive topic, but what happens after death may never be 100% confirmed. These are 4 theories that are possibilities. (I'm not saying I agree with either one, I'm just throwing some ideas out there, and I would enjoy some shared comments and ideas of what everyone thinks.)

    -Come back as an Animal-

    Animal reincarnation is the idea that when you die, your soul comes back and you live as an animal. Forever forgetting your past as a human being. And that all animals and humans share a similar soul. It's one of the main beliefs of Buddhists and Eastern religions. Souls are reborn as animals due to past mis-deeds. Because animals cannot engage in conscious thoughts of self-improvement. And that bad souls must remain as animals, until their bad karma is exonerated, after that you may be reborn as a human being- which leads to the next theory.

    -Born Again-

    Have you ever had Deja Vu? That overwhelming feeling of familiarity with something that shouldn't be familiar at all? Perhaps, it's not too unfamiliar...Being born again is the theory that your entire life is deja vu. Once you die, you start over again in an new human body- never to remember your previous life. Everything is just repeating over and over, except this time you may new opportunies and may not make some mistakes as you did in your previous life (which you can't remember). Believers of this theory say that this is the worlds way of bringing us back as smarter, more intelligent human beings.

    -Heaven and Hell-

    Of all the theories this is the most believed. It comes from the bible. The belief is that inside everyone of us is a spirit. Some say that life on earth is a "test." And that depending on how you live your life, your spirit will lift to heaven of fall to hell. In the bible it states that those that believe in Jesus Christ will go into heaven to live an eternal spiritual and magical life with loved ones. Those that reject Christ will suffer everlasting torment in hell.. In the bible hell is described as bottomless pit, and a lake of fire.


    This theory is far less spiritual. When you die that's it... Everything and everyone you've ever loved is gone for good. Everything you've ever touched or smelt is gone. Once your heart stops beating and the electrical impulses in your brain stop, thats it. It wouldn't even be darkness, because you would need an active conscious to experience darkness.. It's just an empty void of nothing. You wouldn't even realize you are dead, because realization only occurs in a conscious mind. It would maybe be as if you were to fall asleep and never wake up or maybe similar to when you weren't even born.-nothing. You would simply decompose and the earth would recycle remaining vitamins and nutrients from your body.

    Once again I'm disclosing I believe in any these theories, but they happen to be the most believed in our society today. I wanted to open this up to discussion and hear what you guys have to say. What do you think?
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  2. When I die, I hope I jerk awake inside a video game console from a distant future. The words "GAME OVER" flashing on the screen with my score displayed, the option of 'continue' or 'quit' and a countdown from 20... 19... 18... 17...
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  3. I'm not coming back here, that's for damn sure.
    Fuck you, reincarnation.
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  4. When you're dead, you're dead. That's it.
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  5. I feel you guys..

    Let's keep the discussion going.
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  6. Nothing....death=death...
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  7. I don't think you will come back as anything. My opinion if there's organs I can donate to someone if I die tragically to prolong their life, I'm good knowing I died but I potentially helped someone improve their quality of life.
    They better not thank god for it either.
    Dem organs came from mister Diminus, your friendly neighborhood pot head lol
    Not a 2000 year old fairytale. (Just my opinion)
    I respect everyone's beliefs. I'm just a major atheist.
    That don't mean I'm right. Just means it's my own beliefs on the existence of a spiritual god.
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  8. Life as we know it may be viewed as localized consciousness (confined withing the human body, maybe remote viewing is an exception), perhaps when we die our consciousness becomes non-local or infinite?

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  9. In other words, 'I' am merely consciousness in this place at this time, death may be a release from this temporal, spatial limitation.

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  10. IMO, at the time of your death, your energy (electricity?) Drains into whatever medium (car, hospital bed, couch etc) until that energy is consumed and gives birth (likely microbes bacteria etc) and repeats until you move into higher beings like insects animals whatever.

    Just a thought I had when really messed up.
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    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  11. Interesting.. Sounds like you believe in bio centrism which I was originally going to add to the list. But It's a fairly new theory and I didn't think most would have a grasp on it (yet).
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  12. Not sure what i believe, but i dont think this is new, its similar to kybalion hermeticism

  13. Nothing. It's over, that's it. I believe in reincarnation, but you won't be the same you. Ever.
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  14. I believe I'm going to heaven.

    I don't care if it's not cool anymore to be a Christian, I am and proud of it.

    I guess I have just as good a chance to be right as anyone else! I love the type discussions, hard to say you believe something if you only know one angle to think from.
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    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  15. When you're dead, they give your Levi's to Goodwill and someone else sticks their junk in there.

    Just kidding. :D I don't believe in reincarnation...it just happens to be the best theory I have for why the fuck I keep ending up here!
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  16. I believe in heaven...don't really feel like discussing it tho.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  17. Or you are boot-looped running cosmic microsoft?

  18. energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it transforms from one form to another. For instance, chemical energy can be converted to kinetic energy in the explosion of a stick of dynamite. A consequence of the law of conservation of energy is that a perpetual motion machine of the first kind cannot exist.
    We are simply energy which will dissipate into the earth and space.
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  19. If we're being technical, the body releases everything. So basically you shit.
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  20. I don't believe in God or religious things (hell, heaven etc) I think when you die you are just dead. It's like before you were born.

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