So i noticed the "New posts" tab is gone.. i would usually just click this to see what the most recent threads were or the threads just commented on.. it jumbled all categories together so i wasnt just browsing one section of the city.. but its not there anymore.. soooo.. whaddafux up with that?
uhm.. i dont think it said current.. it was in the bar with 'user cp' 'Blogs '\t'FAQ'\t'Community '\t'Photo Gallery'\t'Calendar'\t'Quick Links' \t'Log Out'.. all those tabs.. and im pretty sure it used to say 'New Posts'
it says that at the top of the boards. i'm guessing new posts/search is disabled. when you wanna look at people's other posts too you can't. so yeah, should be fixed soon.
yea i mean i saw that but i didnt think it would have an effect on the new posts tab.. oh well.. we'll see