What happened to the American progressive movement?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by VikingToker, Nov 6, 2020.

  1. It died from stupidity.
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  2. This 5 min. video (unless he talks too slow for you select 1.25 in settings) uploaded today shines the same light brighter that even the neolip corporate Dems have been shining on the GOP and party of tRUMP... It is a message from a "progressive" but not a typical progressive for all "patriots" (both real and fake but duped into thinking they are real). It's about voting and fair elections. "it's just a thought, y'all have a good dat". :D

  3. Who determines what a "real patriot" is?
  4. Everyone "thinks" they are the real deal based on their "concepts", clarity, understanding and knowledge of "real history", not fabricated in recent years by "alt truth" and diversion tactics.
    So we, each of us are real patriots in our own mind... Sadly some are not in their right mind... lol
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  5. Agreed 100% dude
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  6. If you're a Marine there's no doubt who the patriots are.
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  7. Internet personalities would gladly disagree, sir.
    But I'm with you on it.
  8. Not to mention the drop in economic output is likely to inhibit technological developments that could actually solve the problem. All these carbon taxes and international agreements(that few abide by) aren't going to produce any benefit significant enough to justify their cost. It's so ironic how advocates of "leave it all in the ground" tend to be very young city dwelling individuals who have never gone without amenities for a day in their lives
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  9. Just having served doesn’t make you a hero. In fact you could argue that any military who participated in the invasion of Iraq was complicit in a war crime.

    Anyone who was in Pearl Harbour on the day of the attack and stood up to be counted was a hero. Any US troops who participated in WW2 and the fight against fascism was also a hero. After that there certainly were heroes but just serving in the marines or another branch of the military does not make you a hero.
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  10. The question was never about who was a hero or not; the question was to who was a patriot.

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  11. Doh...

    You’re like a bloodhound aren’t you Jerry... SAD...
    • Funny Funny x 2
  12. I think its a whole lot sadder the way you twist things to your own weird agenda. Tell me - what on earth does being a patriot to your country have to do with being a hero?
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  13. Define what you believe to be a patriot and also what you believe to be a hero Jerry?
  14. I think there is massive potential for the progressive movement if they focus on economic issues and policies aimed at reducing corruption. The original progressive era was pragmatic and aimed at better conditions for the middle class. I think we have seen the cross-appeal success when the messaging is about standing up to a corrupt system. I think part of the problem today is lack of numbers, substandard messaging, and lots of corporate propaganda in the mainstream media. It should be about educating people on the damaging effects of growing income inequality.
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  15. Absolutely. From my perspective, America has a celebrity- and emotion- driven political culture. They need a new, stronger, more ambitious and charismatic version of Bernie, I think, to go along with the factors you mention such as smarter messaging.

    Maybe even a third party that compromises on items such as gun control to win over disgruntled republicans. You mention the cross appeal against corruption, I think there's a lot of ground to take on that front.

    There is space to maneuver and a potential to seize. Bernie almost made it, after all.
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  16. Not to mention, younger. I'd like to see a 35-40 year old president. Someone who did not grow up during a time where one person's moderate income could afford a home and supporting an entire family. Someone who's value system more accurately reflects the times we're living in and not 50 years ago. Of course, it is not all about the president, I think Congress shouldn't have the same demographics one would find at an exclusive country club.

    I do think this type of change is inevitable sooner or later. Historically, worsening economic divides lead to leaps of progress.
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  17. ......Is a recipe for disaster.
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  18. I dunno man, I see your angle with youth and the package it tends to bring with it, but when it comes to list of qualities that matter in a leader to me, age comes so near the bottom that I rarely consider it. Bernie, Biden, Trump and McConnell are all the same age, sex, race, etc all those outward identifiers, but they all hold completely different views on government. Cruz, Crenshaw, Rubio etc, these are younger, but I don't know if they necessarily hold these 'modern' views, when it comes to topics such as abortion etc.

    All of this is easily debateable, though, and I agree that a younger political body would be likely be healthy. I don't know if the age makes them any less susceptible to the massive corruption in the US that everyone just shrugs about on their way to the next BLM rally.
  19. While I wouldn't discount someone solely on age, I think it would be nice to choose from people who aren't only in their mid 70s. Some of the most consequential government offices (president, house speaker, senate leadership) are all in advanced age and far too entrenched in the system. A wider range of perspectives and experiences is needed to improve the democratic process.

    The people you mentioned, Cruz Crenshaw and Rubio, while they have shit views, they still are an example of what I mean. I dont think its the majority but millions of Americans hold the same exact shit views as those three.
    • Agree Agree x 1

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