I use to use Pro mix for my ladies but my local hardware store sold out and discontinued it. I've looked online and there seems to be a shortage of it everywhere and the few bags i found were more then double the price. Does anyone know the reason for the shortage?
Size and price please? I found it on amazon but its twice the price. Does your local shop have a website?
$84 for canna coco - 42 gallons worth $35 for 120liters of perlite ..there, now you have 60ish gallons of 70/30 Add your own Mycorrhizae and bacteria. add peat moss, lime, and gpysum and you have your homemade better-than-pro-mix couldnt pay me to use pre-mix of any brand.
Well if i didn't buy it they wouldn't make it. People like me keep them in business. Plus there's been a shortage since last year.
I already know your full of it. have a good night. Btw nobody calls it wally world anymore. plus they have moldy stuff with bugs