So this has been an interesting past 2 weeks. I know many of you probably don't care but these are just some of the things that have happened that are good: 1.) I have an older brother who just got out of the Marine Corps. after 6 years. He use to be one of the biggest druggies I had ever known. Well while in the Marines he found out I smoked pot and bitched at me to the point where I nearly quit smoking it. Well, my older sister was telling me about how he wanted to smoke pot again, just for the feeling. So I IM'ed him on Facebook two days ago and asked him what was up with thatl. He told me he is smoking again and it is really helping him enjoy his new wife,house,dog ( beautiful german shepard ) and his baby on the way! I felt like we really got closer in that conversation. He lives in Michigan with his newly-wed and they invited me up this summer to smoke with them. 2.) While smoking in the car I was reading Niccolo Machivellia's "The Prince" and I was on cloud nine. My friend ( who is the dumb blonde type ) grabbed the book from me because it said it really opened his mind. Anyhow, he starts reading through it and pronouces "hereditary" as "her-dee-dee-di-di". I don't think I have ever laughed that hard. 3.) My daughter took her first steps this week! And said her first word: "Daddy!" I am so proud! I literally cried! 4.) My friend ( the dumb blonde, Reece ) and I were hiking through the woods and we found this spot, circled by a creek. We cleared all the trees out made a giant fire pit and have been smoking there everyday. ( Its awesome ) It is surrounded by a creek and the creek is surronded by cliffs ( all of this being in a near perfect circle, its beautiful and really improves my high.) Well, thats all I guess, so GC why don't you share the events of your week with us? I hope to see some good stories.
my goodness, something positive? lately things havent been positive. I'll come back when I have something positive..