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What happend during our Parents time???

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by rooooooR, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. THey always say "ive been a teenager once before" snd i dont get it. Why are they so against marijuana what bullshit lies were fed to them????
    I ask this question everyday and im always clueless. My parents say i could go drink beers and shit but cant smoke a doob??? Why is the steryotype so bad??? There brainwashed to think marijuana will kill you. I try to tell them that there trusting man made alcohol over god made marijuana... Who do you trust... Of course they have no comeback but continuously ground me for my dank. Not just my parents but most.. Not all but most..

    So i ask, what happend Or what were they told back then about marijuana that makes them so against it

  2. :smoke:
  3. if you really would like to know the answer to your question do some research and form your own opion on weed based on your knowledge.

    then you can argue for it and will have a better chance of winning your augrument because you know what your are talking about and you can back it up with proof.

    your parents will probaly not know what to say in rebuttal except for the same bullshit they are feed.

    have the goal of trying to teach your parents something when you have your discussion
  4. The government bro, that's what fuckin happened...who do think brainwashed them? A pack of stray dogs?
  5. Idk about u, but the stories my parents tell me, they werent against it at all lol... The 60s-80s were known as party years, some parents indulged in it, and others witnessed terrible things and only tell their children not to smoke weed because of their concern.

    Edit: And yes, there are some of the brainwashed r-tards out there lol.
  6. Because they were born in the age of propaganda.

    Show them this:

    [ame=]The Union - The Business Behind Getting High | Full Movie - YouTube[/ame]
  7. [quote name='"letsmokeasweet"']if you really would like to know the answer to your question do some research and form your own opion on weed based on your knowledge.

    then you can argue for it and will have a better chance of winning your augrument because you know what your are talking about and you can back it up with proof.

    your parents will probaly not know what to say in rebuttal except for the same bullshit they are feed.

    have the goal of trying to teach your parents something when you have your discussion[/quote]

    I try but they refuse to believe it. "its illegal for a reason" bitch it cures cancer!!!!!! Lol i just get so agrivated i end up storming off
  8. [quote name='"t-fizz"']Idk about u, but the stories my parents tell me, they werent against it at all lol... The 60s-80s were known as party years, some parents indulged in it, and others witnessed terrible things and only tell their children not to smoke weed because of their concern.

    Edit: And yes, there are some of the brainwashed r-tards out there lol.[/quote]

    Also true.. Also very weird.. My friends mom (same age is mine) is all for weed shit she even lets us smoke in the house, mad bongs... We even started a grow op.. Yet my mom is all oh youll die and get cancer and wont be able to play sports and lose your wind. When little does she know ive been smokin everyday for the past 2 years and still can do any workout anyone throws at me.. I guess it really comes down to were they were raised
  9. #9 420GaNjX, Aug 8, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2012
    you should try watching many cannabis doumentaries to improve your knowledge on the subject. It will help improve your understanding, and help you debate wt your parents.

    Top 11 Marijuana Documentaries (with videos) | I Love Weed Grass: the history of marijuana should best explain what happend in your parents time and the propaganda and fear tactics used to make it illegal, and keep it illegal.

    [ame=]Clearing the Smoke: The Science of Cannabis - YouTube[/ame]

  10. OP you should not generalize so much - because a lot of us DO NOT have parents who are brainwashed. In fact, MY parents were hippies more or less. My dad served in Vietnam and was a bigger stoner than most of the people I meet today. In fact in my family, EVERY Baby Boomer had some sort of drug habit in the 60's to the 80's.

    I don't know what happened though, they're all fucking hypocrites now. Example: My Uncle who is 5 years older than my Mom (born 1946) was a HUGE stoner in the 60's and 70's - got out of Vietnam because of lawyers, hung around San Francisco in the 70's, and was more or less a Hippie too. Well a few years ago we had a HUGE falling out because I supported his daughter using MMJ. Yes that's right, my Uncle who was a huge stoner became a huge anti-stoner.

    But then he's a Boomer and for the most part, they're all fucking hypocrites who are ruining the world for the rest of us.
  11. They are just older and have taken on more responsibility as they've aged. They've probably seen issues with friends who abused drugs and suffered some negative consequences. It's inevitable to see some of that as you get older.

    As you get older, you change, and the world just looks really different when you've got a few decades under your belt. Also, if you are a parent, you worry about your kids, imagining the worst-case scenarios.

    If you believe that there can never possibly be any negative consequences to using marijuana, than this is incomprehensible. Otherwise, consider the possibility that your parents just love you and want to spare you some of the negative consequences that they believe are possible.

    Having said that, as older people, we've lost most ability to understand what I call the logic of youth. We have to remember that you need to have your own experiences and figure things out for yourself. It's likely that as you get older, at least some of you will be able to perceive that marijuana is not necessarily totally benign and might get concerned, if, for example, your teenager is lighting up several times a day, not getting good grades, and wants to drive a car around town.
  12. Amazing the number of 18 year olds that still get grounded. :rolleyes:

    Anywho, check out one of Granny Storm Crow's post on what to show parents: :smoke:
  13. [quote name='"rooooooR"']THey always say "ive been a teenager once before" snd i dont get it. Why are they so against marijuana what bullshit lies were fed to them????
    I ask this question everyday and im always clueless. My parents say i could go drink beers and shit but cant smoke a doob??? Why is the steryotype so bad??? There brainwashed to think marijuana will kill you. I try to tell them that there trusting man made alcohol over god made marijuana... Who do you trust... Of course they have no comeback but continuously ground me for my dank. Not just my parents but most.. Not all but most..

    So i ask, what happend Or what were they told back then about marijuana that makes them so against it[/quote]

    Ethanol naturally occurs in the universe
  14. Reefer Madness and all the bullshit they told

  15. Yeah, my parents were teenagers/young adults in the 60s and 70s, and I know they blazed. They know weed is softcore shit. My dad would rather me blaze than drink because he struggled with alcoholism for the better part of his life. Now he occasionally partakes with me, but my mom will smoke whenever.
  16. If only life was like weeds..
  17. my parents are cool with it. my dad used to be a huge stoner. my mom tried it a couple times. my dad doesn't care that i smoke, but we're not on good terms with each other. my mom just doesn't really approve of inhaling smoke, which is understandable
  18. You're Welcome. Granny Rocks and her research is spot on (I bookmarked that one). :smoke:

  19. I agree

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