What Global Warming?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by aaronman, Jun 11, 2009.

  1. I'm watching the documentary "cool it" by Bjorn Lomborg on Netflix...

    Soo, is the global warming scare officially over?

    This movie exposes the corruption and politicization of scientific consensus. It is not right wing, Lomborg is a hardcore bleeding heart vegan. It makes the assumption that global warming is anthropogenic, but destroys the establishment prescriptions for the problem.
  2. Nice thread aaronman. :smoke:
  3. Which is just a good argument for getting out of the gravity well. There's plenty of water ice, metals, and all the materials needed for life in the Asteroid and Kupier belt

  4. 1. Vegan =/= left wing.
    2. You should join the discussion in the science section on Global Warming. There are plenty of students of science there that I'm sure would clear up your confusion.
    3. Get off Ron Paul's d.
  5. The globe warmed up during the dinos, cooled down and had an ice age, and now its going back to being hot, so yea that's the deal..........cyclical shit :bongin:
  6. Stop being so cynical, man.
  7. convenient for who?
  8. I haven't read the entire thread but I am guessing no one has has quantified/qualified the 31K scientists.
    How many "scientists" are there in the united states. 32K or a million?

    WHO are these scientists? experts in WHAT?
    scientists who deal in say bugs, know shit about climate!

    tell me aaronman, who are these guys?

    Let me guess, you never checked that!
  9. AND why would all these countries want to hog tie their economies with these carbon rules IF they didn't really believe there was an issue?

    What conspiracy theory are you RP's backing this time?
  10. In all seriousness global warming (climate change or whatever) is real and is being caused by human activity, most obviously our pumping of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which cause the atmosphere to heat up as well as melt ice on the Earth's surface which results in the release of even more greenhouse gases from the ice. These greenhouse gases which we pump mostly consist of carbon dioxide and methane. Carbon dioxide, which is pumped by our cars, planes factories, etc. and methane from our livestock, which we overbreed for meat consumption and milk. A little of these gases in the atmosphere is good and healthy, but at the rate at which we add these gases, it can change the status of our planet.

    These facts that I've just laid out for you are undisputed. The global temperature has been steadily rising. This will cause a rise in sea levels as well as increase intense weather and drought conditions. In the long run, this could restructure the face of the Earth and make it uninhabitable for most life as well as destroy countless of ecosystems around the world.

    Now, scientifically, what about this don't you understand? Perhaps I could clear up your confusion.
  11. I will see your 31K and raise you a few hundred K, aaronman.

  12. Global warming.....because liberals need something to worship too!

  13. gee, that's not dumb at all!

    sure sign of a desperate drone with no idea what to say.:wave:
  14. Waiting for aaronman, should be good.

  15. Global warming number one profiteer from proposed cap n trade system:

    Goldman Sachs.

    If the government is owned by corporations, why give them more control over who pollutes and who doesn't?

    If the US is owned by corporations, what makes the UN exempt from said cronyism.

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