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What eye drops are the best?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Pj1008, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. What is your favorite kind of eye drop? I mostly use Visine but i hear good things about Rhotos. I ask because i ran out of visine and am not sure what kind i should get.
  2. Clear Eyes FTW...makes em bleach white...WOW!!!
  3. Rhotos in the green vials are my favorites. The feeling is crazy.
  4. They all do the same thing really, so I choose the one that doesnt burn my eyes..Visine(sp?) or Clear eyes. That intense coldness from the Rhotos is just annoying after a while to me
  5. cum always worked for me

  6. rofl!!!
  7. for me it goes rhotos,clear eyes, then visine.

    i put on some visine yesterday and my eyes were still red
  8. clear eyes here

  9. I think with Visine you actually have to get the red-eye formula because they make several kinds for different things apparently
  10. yeah visine sucks, never worked for me.
    I go with clear eyes.
    Never tried rhotos to be honest
  11. i use bosch and lomb opcon-a drops. tried everything and nothing works like them especially when going into work!!! :cool::smoking:
  12. Visine is the best. You just have to make sure you get the Red Eye formula. If you buy the one for alleries, or contact lenses it does nothing, might even make them worse.
  13. Rhotos, always clears my shit up hella good.
  14. I find that visine just puts a thin lair of white over my red eyes and really does practicaly shit all.
  15. it was the original redness relief never using that shit again it doesnt work for me.

    rhotos and clear eyes for the win

  16. If your eyes ever get red, come to my house. I'll whiten 'em right up for you. lol
  17. i use opcon A eyedrops.

    they sting normally, but with my contacts in the feel like visine and sooth my eyes. but they burn incredibly if i dont have contacts in lol
  18. rhoto cools are great
  19. ide have to go with clear eyes ultra, Rhotos works better i think but it also irratates my contacts for some reason dont really know why

  20. I use the allergies one (because I have allergies) and it works fine. I actually tested it by putting some in 1 eye but not the other and the difference was very noticeable, even though they weren't that red to start with.

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