What Exactly Is "The War On Drugs"...

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Skunky Monkey, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. So it came to me when i was smoking last night what is the war on drugs, a war is when there are 2 army's attacking each other all i see in this supposed war on drugs is the DEA basically the army shooting dogs/people for possessing and using cannabis.

    I don't see any "stoners" attacking government officials or police over marijuana legalization no all i see is peaceful protesters getting shot down. The society we live in these days is getting out of hand there not even secret about the corruption it's fucking obvious, they control people with fear and propaganda whilst they secretly silence the truth, so what is the war on drugs because it sure as hell isn't a war it's the government suppressing people's right to experiment with there own consciousness, also it's suppressing people's right to use a medicine that works for them but NO they have to use government approved medicine that contains terrible substances with terrible side effects which is incredibly addictive, which then when the "medicine" has done it's job you have to take more fucked up medicine to ween your self of it and your left worse than you were before a addict and a fucked up liver.

    Cannabis has no negative side effects and is not addictive, why should they suppress peoples right to grow there own herbs and not live in constant suffering.

    It's the same with the Sugar wars, Xylitol they said that xylitol caused alzheimer's xylitol is a natural sweatener better for you than sugur taste'slike sugar but is not bad for you, this is still going on. They couldn't prove that it actually did caused problems so they just illegalized it anyway.

    It;s the same thing they cant profit from it they single it out and make propaganda. My point is this supposed "War on drugs" ins't real it's not a war it's just them not allowing people to medicate, there just spreading propaganda :mad:

  2. You are preaching to the choir. We already know the war on drugs is a fraud, hoax, or whatever other synonym you want to phrase it as. The lies are being exposed due to alternative news websites and forums such as this one. It isn't a "war on drugs" it's an attack on our freedom.

    And truthfully I don't use the word "medicate" because, then it seems like it's only for medicinal use. I want it to be fully legalized so casual users can get HIGH without fear, to be able to say "let's pick up a few g's" INFRONT of a COP instead of "lets pick up a six pack" without fear. Let's start putting our money where our mouth is. Support government officials that have your views, spread the word to people that will listen.

  3. This is more of a rant i'm not trying to tell you guys anything we already know this it's just a rant, and yeh i think it should be legal for all use medical/casual use.
  4. The war on drugs=War on the competition of big industry/alcohol/tobacco/pharma co's.
  5. A war on personal freedom.
  6. A way for the CIA and DEA too make millions drug trafficking. Why do you think they want to keep it illegal?
  7. Mainly to keep their jobs. Over 70% of the DEA's budget goes to fighting pot. Also all of the private prisons wanna keep it illegal. More inmates=more money from our government.
  8. The War on Drugs is just something thought up during the reagan administration.

    America likes to metaphorically declare war on things it doesn't like, such as the war on terror.

    Its just the gov.'s way of saying "FUCK CANNABIS"

  9. Yep that's true.

    America....always declaring war on thing's :rolleyes: the only war they have actually won was world war 2.

  10. revolutionary war? civil war? war of 1812? mexican-american war?

    although i agree with the OP.
  11. A country doesn't "win" a civil war, it just ends. :p

  12. No i mean actual wars that they have started and ended, not civil wars or wars they have just helped out in.
  13. the "war on drugs" has many fronts.

    10's of thousands in foreign territories dead fighting for control of the black market: mexico, colombia, afghanistan... yes; include afganistan.

    here at home, 10's of thousands of US citizens harassed, assaulted and imprisoned!

    war on drugs=war on society

  14. Yep the "land of the free" has declared war on it's own people :rolleyes:
  15. yea governments enjoy fucking shit up in a society..
    its like jerking off for them

  16. Well......it's there job and all.
  17. the war on drugs is a war on drug addicts.. the only thing scarier is the drug addicts are winning the war...:p:D

  18. Yeh but there not drug addicts, it's a war on marijuana user's.
  19. cannabis isnt the only illegal drug

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