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what exactly does a carb do?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by folied, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. I know you have to hold it when you smoke... but what exactly does it do? No one ever explained it to me haha
  2. When you smoke, you uncover the hole as you're finishing the hit so the extra air coming through will push all the smoke past your mouth and into your lungs.
  3. Plug the Carb and hit it. The piece fills up with smoke. Let off the carb and it draws all the smoke in the bowl or whatever into your lungs. It preety much replace the smoke with fresh air and make the piece more efficient.
  4. so u inahle the smoke you would just get air without a carb

  5. you would probably get some smoke but it would be tedious trying to suck all the smoke out of the chamber.
  6. You know, I always take a breath in after I stop hitting the piece, so a carb is kinda pointless, but I like to sorta "work" the carb while I take the hit, if that makes sense...
  7. It makes sure you don't waste the excess bud that's burning at the end of your hits. Think of it like an engine, it needs a place for the exhaust so you have pipes directing the gas away from the engine so it doesn't flood itself. Idk if that makes sense or not haha but thats what I'd compare it to.
  8. Wanna save weed?

    If inhaling, keep on the carb as long as the weed is lit (orange color, literally on fire, etc.). Once the weed goes out, let go of the carb.

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