Hey guys Ive noticed grasscity is very diverse when it comes to race, people all around the world come to gather for the sake of conversation and marijuana gotta love it, i wanted to make a forum where people can post there ethnicity on GC, Ill start. I am full Jordanian. Born in Amman, Jordan. Raised in California (20 years) i wear it with pride as you can see by my signature, and my tattoo across my forearm.
I'm so many ethnicities, I'm a mutt. Mostly Chinese, Russian, German, Polish, and Scottish though, amongst various other ethnicities. So, what race am I, or one of the early examples of whats going to happen in the world? Race of the Future - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Pretty interesting read. I believe in it.
it will be a very sad day if and when that race of the future thing becomes a reality. That would mean that all the individual cultures of the world would be extinct and really make the world a dull place. not hatin on the previous poster one bit. felt that needed to be said on the subject
True, I never went down that path of thinking. I always thought that 1.) Racism would dwindle and eventually end. 2.) It would make a peaceful, unified planet more easily-achievable. Just some thoughts though, I'm high lol
White like snow. Think I am mainly Dutch with a lil bit of German in me. Everyone says I look Italian. I roll with it sometimes
Born and raised a Winnipegger. That's the capital of Manitoba in Canada, for those who don't know. Biologically I am German and Russian on my father's side, and Scottish and (I am so ashamed) French Canadian on my mother's.
I'm white, but I can get a pretty dark tan fairly easily. As far as I know most of my whiteness is from europe. The darker side of me comes from my mom's side who somewhere along the line decided to breed with runs with buffalo.
1/4 English/Welsh 1/4 Canadian originating from Prussia 1/4 Dutch 1/4 Finnish Green eyes, hair right between blonde and brown, light skin.