I'm honored to meet the man behind the myth and the legend that is Verdana font Mine My my notes actually are messier than that, I couldn't find the pen i normally use.
mine is awful, from 3 years on college and constant notetaking and tryin too keep up with the lecture, my handwriting has gone to shit,,, im like the only person who can read it...it used to be good but with writing so fast all the time its inevitbale for it to get shitty
You know i don't speak spanish OP i have to spread before i can rep you...i'll have to post mine later
Haha my handwriting is so bad. My professors can barely read it. That's why I use my macbook for everything. Hahaha
I was on my way to write, but then I realized my handwriting is so damn small no one will be able to read it! I'll try.
i write like a cereal killer an I blame the male factor with the lefty factor and bammm!!!! at least its legible tho... some of my friends are far worse lol
Cool idea for a thread, so I felt I should contribute. I don't have a camera, but I do have a labelled diagram from a few years ago that I did during a rat dissection. I was really proud of this, it's an artistic feat for me. I never got my "pen licence".