What does weed mean to you personally?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by expandyourmind8, Feb 9, 2010.

  1. Everybody has their own personal interpretation of what marijuana means to them. It's effect on their life, the role it plays in the universe, just the overall meaning of it to them. What is yours?

    I have been getting stoned for about 3 years now and I have come to a point in my life where I need to figure out what weed means to me. Does it belong in my life? Should I quit, ever? If so, when? How much should I really smoke and when? How does it help me? How does it hurt me? What is it's effect on me? How does it fit in the big picture?

    I just want to gain a big-picture understanding of weed's role in people's lives to help develop my own understanding of it's role in my life as I grow as a person.

    Lets get down to the real deep purpose of marijuana's existence in the universe.
  2. #2 skippyluvs, Feb 9, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2010

    Good thread idea, hope it succeeds :)

    Me, man, something as epic this (and being "one"):


    simply can't be described in words.

    Its role in the universe, oh goodness, where to begin right? :)
  3. #3 thedon420, Feb 9, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2010
    ^^^ I get a boner evertime I see that pic lol
    sorry for the wall of text, I'll bold the highlights
    anyways weed's role in my life...
    I started smoking when I was 16
    In my high school, I was an uptight overly conservative prick, I was a douchebag
    at the beginning of 10th I wondered what people saw in this plant, that made them feel that it was worth it to "destroy their lives" for a "drug"
    typical brainwashed anti-drug DARE propaganda bullshit

    in time, my curiosity got the best of me, so I started doing research, first on weed, and that lead into learning more about other drugs, learning the truth, I also found this absolutely fascinating.
    Since I pretty much burned all of my bridges for finding a hook-up, it took me over 6 months to find anyone who would sell to me
    in this time, I decided that LSD, psylocybe shrooms, 2-cb, and MDMA looked appealing, and uppers and downers never really appealed to me (gateway drug my ass)
    in that time, I got screwed out of $20, but in the end, I did find a legit hook-up
    I smoked my first grams over weeks and got nothing, I knew I was smoking it right, but It just never hit me
    the last time I smoked from that bag, I got enough of an effect to realize that I didn't get ripped off again, and months later, I met my current dealer, who is now one of my best friends, I got about 5-6 grams, and took that up to my cottage, this was the first time I smoked with my gousin, and the first time we both got absolutely RIPPED
    over the next year and a half, I kept smoking, and I longed for a real psychedelic experience
    in this time, I kept doing more research into the physiology of many different psychoactive chemicals
    than I saved a life, I had a few friends that where into pills, than one of them got an OC 80, with no tolerance at all
    I showed up after he railed the whole thing, we where sitting around smoking bowls, than he passed out, I checked his pulse, nothing. I paniced, and started asking what he was on, and I verbally and logically sifted through all of my knowledge about opiates, and quickly decided to start CPR, after we got a pulse, we got him out of the house and called 911, we cleared the smoke before the cops and paramedics arrived, and the whole experience was literally sobering
    no one else there knew CPR, If I wasn't smoking with that group, he probably would've died.
    after this I took it as a sign that psychoactive substances where meant to play a significant part in my life. I than decided to pick Biochemistry as my major for college specifically because of my fascination with drugs, and the receptors that they act on.
    than I created my Grasscity account, and well here
    than, I got careless in my senior year of highschool, I got arrested 4 months after turning 18 and I learned from this that I was just like everyone else, I wasn't special, and that drove me to become a better person and a MUCH more careful stoner
    In september of this year, I had the chance to get my hands on some legit LSD, and I got some salvia the month before now that I had some real psychedelics, it was time to turn the focus on exploring my mind, I had some beautiful, and some terrifying experiences. I learned that I could remain rational and coordinated in almost any situation, and I've concluded that I have a perfect mind for psychedelics
    at the start of december, I got hit by a car on my way to class, breaking my ankle, and the cop that arrived on scene saw that I had a previous disorderly conduct (the possession charged got bumped down) and he must've concluded that I'm a scitzophrenic psychopath who would try to infe the EMT' that are trying to help me
    so he searched my bag while I was going into shock, he found my weed and bowl and is pressing charges

    this simply is not right, what threat am I? who did I ever harm? my court date was originally set for 2 weeks ago, but that pig requested 2 continuances, and dragging me through this bullshit for an extra month.
    when I recover from this blow, I MUST join the battle for legalization with all of my being
  4. Good question!

    I'm a pretty anxious person in social situations and I try to make up for it by talking a lot, I think. Smoking helps me to relax and enjoy the conversation and to enjoy silence and other things I might not enjoy depending on who I'm with. I guess it helps me to "lock in" to people's coversation so its easier to talk and whatnot.
  5. ...thats like asking whats the role of trees in the universe? its a plant, humans use it, how can it get deeper then that?

    quit if u think thats whats right otherwise keep toking.

  6. Weed is a spiritual tool used to gain insight into the world.
  7. For me...

  8. I've been smoking weed for 5 or 6 years now, experimented with other drugs for about 3 years, and have now settled comfortably on weed, LSD, shrooms and MDMA.

    I've gone through phases where I've used drugs for no other purpose other than to get fucked up, but nowadays I use them to connect with myself, to take a step away from society and look within myself to find out what's important to me.

    I can honestly say I wouldn't be half the person I am today had it not been for my drug experiences (good and bad)
  9. Weed is big part of what made me who I am today, when I first started smoking it made me turn my judgmental microscope inward and I made some much needed changes in my life. I, like thedon, used to be an overly conservative douchebag looking back.

    to me weed is a way to look at things from different angles and perspectives, I challenge anyone who isn't a fool to find something wrong with that.
  10. weed is the only reason for living . . .jk

    but seriously
  11. It's helped open quite a bit of doors for me.

    Doors I may have never bothered to look at.

    It has helped me understand and question.
  12. It helped to break me out of my little shell I was in, kind of seeing everything through a false perception and heightened my awareness to what it is now. Weed has helped me to appreciate people and accept new experiences and greatly enhance my creativity and thought process. I've never been so happy with myself before.

    I don't know, the best way I can explain is that since I first started smoking, I've learned to see the big picture and the small infinite details at the same time.
    I hope that made sense.
  13. Weed is who I am today...I love it and everything it has done for me. I was depressed and was put in a hospital for 2 weeks because of suicidal thoughts(never any attempts) but then i started smoking MJ, sure i smoked before but they were all mids and shit and i never cared about them other then it got me high at the time...I started smoking strains and started feeling better about myself...I became more confident in every aspect of life and became a better person...I now focus my life pretty much around MJ. Im moving to California in 3 months and can't wait...going to visit in less than 3 weeks :D... But no antidepressants did what MJ did for me, its not just a medicine to me... Its a lifestyle. :smoke:
  14. Cannabis means... Life is Good.

    There is this substance... substances... that get you high. Make you feel good in and of themselves. And they are readily available... they exist... this possiblity exists in reality. It is good.

    Then, the government can say it is bad... which proves we are free to say and do whatever we want. I can say it's good, the next guy can say it's bad... infinite possibilities in the same reality.

    And it is good.
  15. A moment of escape when I completed everything I need to do.

    A boredom suppressor.
  16. weed to me is

    "And when I need to free my mind i can find, satisfaction in a bag of weed Everything I need, leave it to the trees It can make me feel better"
  17. it brings out the other me, a smarter, nicer, happier me
  18. #18 Dolly Krash, Feb 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2010
    To begin, marijuana has taught me to enjoy the little things in life, like a good meal, or just hanging out with friends. It allows me to unwind, relax, be inspired, and stimulated. I find it to be almost an equilibrium sort of state that allows me to calm down and gather myself. Not to mention, it's quite entertaining. I have a blast being high. Sometimes I'll just sit and think, come up with abstract ideas, or just plain stupid ones. Other times I might be more active and turn on some music and dance. I feel like I'm performing when I dance stoned. [Dub Step is amazing to dance to high].

    And lately, I've been getting high quite a lot. I thought that maybe I'm doing it too much, but every time, I just want to do it again. Maybe I'm using it to cope with some underlying stress. There are some recent changes happening in my family that aren't too positive. Yet, in this time of stress, marijuana allows me to step back and reflect on myself. It says 'Fuck being upset! Be happy!'. And then I gain a great appreciation for all the small things in my life. When I'm high, I live in the moment. Nothing matters but being content. I guess that's what marijuana makes me feel. Content.

    Oh, and I studied for a huge Psych exam baked till 4 in the morning. Pretty sure I got a good grade on it, though. I've never been so focused! XD
  19. In my personal experience, the herb is a vehicle for the expansion of my consciousness and vibration. As I blow out the smoke I blow out positivity and consciously see peace and love spreading throughout the world. To me weed also gives me a time to explore my mind and to have out of body and mystical experiences. Taking part in this sacrement opened many doors for me, and I hope it works wonders for all of you here ;)
    Love and Light

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