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What does pot do to brain development

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ADogNamedJack, Nov 25, 2011.

  1. #1 ADogNamedJack, Nov 25, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2011
    I recently read that the brain keeps developing till your like 25, not stopping at 18ish as I thought. Anyone know if smoking weed daily would have any effect on it? I tried to look it up but googleing it is rather hard as its pages upon pages of propaganda
  2. Pot doesn't due anything to brain development. However, it might do something
  3. due not use pot anymore!
  4. It makes you use the word due when you should have used do.
  5. Honestly, I have noticed changes in myself, and not for the worse. After smoking for MONTHS upon MONTHS daily, I've noticed that my thought patterns are different. I think more creatively even when I'm sober, and that might be something. But really I'm not sure, but I know that smoking can cause Schizophrenia to appear if it's been in the family. Other than that no real solid science from me :/ Hope that might have helped a LITTLE bit :) Happy Tokings!
  6. You're an idiot. "due"
  7. I remember reading a study that showed there is no difference in an adolescents brains who frequently smoke marijuana, and that of adults who also smoke marijuana. They did MRI's and there was no loss of brain tissue in the adolescent, no damage, nothing, same with the adult.

    Cannabis is physically harmless to the brain. It's actually neuroprotective and kills cancer cells and prevents them from reproducing.
  8. dued...

  9. im kinda high chill on the grammar nazing

  10. Exactly! everyone know the correct term would be "dew". :cool:
  11. [​IMG]

    Ugh oh. I guess im screwed :rolleyes::eek::smoke:
  12. Decreases brain activity?

    Why dont they put a picture up there of someone watching TV, verses someone driving a car? Obviously watching TV decreases your brain activity, and driving increases your brain activity. Of course smoking decreases your brain activity, just like watching TV does, but that doesn't mean it kills cells or causes a loss of brain tissue.
  13. Getting depressed fucks your brain up too :(:devious::smoke:


    Attached Files:

  14. First three responses were what I was going to type. A true /thread moment.

  15. You remember reading a study? Because I've read multiple studies that contradict what you just said...

    Heavy Marijuana Use May Damage Developing Brain In Teens, Young Adults
    ScienceDaily (Feb. 2, 2009) - Adolescents and young adults who are heavy users of marijuana are more likely than non-users to have disrupted brain development, according to a new study. Pediatric researchers found abnormalities in areas of the brain that interconnect brain regions involved in memory, attention, decision-making, language and executive functioning skills. The findings are of particular concern because adolescence is a crucial period for brain development and maturation.

    The researchers caution that the study is preliminary and does not demonstrate that marijuana use causes the brain abnormalities. However, "Studies of normal brain development reveal critical areas of the brain that develop during late adolescence, and our study shows that heavy cannabis use is associated with damage in those brain regions," said study leader Manzar Ashtari, Ph.D., director of the Diffusion Image Analysis and Brain Morphometry Laboratory in the Radiology Department of The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

    In the current study, working with child psychiatrist Sanjiv Kumra, M.D., now at the University of Minnesota, Ashtari and colleagues performed imaging studies on 14 young men from a residential drug treatment center in New York State, as well as 14 age-matched healthy controls. All the study subjects were males, with an average age of 19. The researchers performed the imaging studies at Long Island Jewish Medical Center.

    The 14 subjects from the drug treatment center all had a history of heavy cannabis use during adolescence. On average, they had smoked marijuana from age 13 till age 18 or 19, and reported smoking nearly 6 marijuana joints daily in the final year before they stopped using the drug.

    The study team performed a type of magnetic resonance imaging scan called diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) that measures water movement through brain tissues. "The abnormal patterns of water diffusion that we found among the young men with histories of marijuana use suggest damage or an arrest in development of the myelin sheath that surrounds brain cells," said Ashtari. Myelin provides a coating around brain cells similar to insulation covering an electrical wire. If myelin does not function properly, signaling within the brain may be slower.

    Myelin gives its color to the white matter of the brain, and covers the nerve fibers that connect different brain regions. "Our results suggest that early-onset substance use may alter the development of white matter circuits, especially those connections among the frontal, parietal and temporal regions of the brain," said Ashtari. "Abnormal white matter development could slow information transfer in the brain and affect cognitive functions."
    Ashtari added that the findings are preliminary. Among other limitations of the study, such as a small sample size, five of the 14 subjects with heavy cannabis use also had a history of alcohol abuse, which may have contributed an effect. Also, it is possible that the brain abnormalities may have predisposed the subjects to drug dependence, rather than drug usage causing the brain abnormalities.
    "Further research should be done to investigate the relation between repeated marijuana use and white matter development," said Ashtari. "However, our work reinforces the idea that the adolescent brain may be especially vulnerable to risky behaviors such as substance abuse, because of crucial neural development that occurs during those years."
  16. I don't know. I never smoked pot habitually when my brain was developing.

    I doubt it has any serious repercussions but i'm still glad I waited till I was like 19 to become a full blown stoner
  17. I don't think there's any conclusive evidence one way or the other but I don't know, we don't know much about the human brain we know more about how the universe came to be than we know about the human brain, but from my personal experiences I wouldn't want to start smoking until 20-21
  18. IDK honestly I started when I was nearly 22. Personally I'd recommend holding off until you're 21 if it worries you. I figure if your brain can tolerate alcohol at that age it can tolerate thc.

  19. Uhh? Your brain doesn't fully develop until you're 25. So too bad your post doesn't make sense.

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